Dealing With The Most Annoying Symptoms Of The Common Cold

If you’re reading this, then there’s about a 90% chance you’ll end up catching a cold this winter. Colds are like opinions; everyone has them! Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the most annoying symptoms of the common cold, and how you can make them a little less annoying for you.

Don’t let a blocked nose ruin your sleep. Credit

Blocked Nose

A blocked nose is probably the worst symptom when it comes to a common cold. It’s bad enough during the day but gets much worse at night. You struggle to breathe, meaning you have to sleep with your mouth open. Needless to say, this is phenomenally uncomfortable. Thankfully, dealing with this problem is a lot easier than you think. There are loads of nasal sprays you can buy with a built-in decongestant to help unblock your nose in minutes. Use one before bed, and you’ll breathe easy at night. Or, check out the advice here for some ideas that don’t involve any form of medication.

Blocked Ears

No doubt a blocked nose is bad, but I absolutely despise having blocked ears. You feel like there’s too much pressure in your head, and your hearing becomes slightly muffled. What’s more, it’s often impossible to unblock them yourself, making the feeling incredibly annoying. How can you solve this? Well, as noted here, you can visit an ENT doctor for issues with your ears. They can give you a proper checkup and might be able to prescribe some drops that reduce swelling inside your ears and unblock them for good.

Drink a warm lemon drink to soothe your throat. Source

Sore Throat

A sore or tickly throat can be a real pain when you have a cold. It makes it hard for you to swallow, and the tickly sensation can be very hard to get rid of. It’s almost like an itch you can’t quite scratch. There are two main solutions here. The first is to gargle a saline solution to help clean your throat and kill off any bacteria. I found a helpful video that I’ll attach under this point to show you how to make this solution. The second is to drink a hot honey and lemon drink, as it will soothe the soreness in your throat.

Heavy Eyes

I’m not sure if this is a proper medical symptom, but it’s one we can all relate to. You know when you have a cold, and all the congestion in your head just makes your eyes feel heavy? That’s what I’m talking about here. You feel like there are two weights attached to your eyelids, causing them to droop down. You look in the mirror and feel like a panda, it’s such a horrible feeling. The only real way to cope with this is to sleep and rest! Let your eyes close, and try to wake up feeling more refreshed.

If you’re suffering from a cold this winter, then I hope this advice will serve you well. For me, these are the symptoms that cause me the most pain and annoyance. So, use my solutions to calm your cold and make it more manageable.

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