Moving Tips To Stay Sane

Moving house is exciting, but stressful. You’ve been saving hard to afford your dream place, and now the hard work begins.

Your first step, of course, is finding the one. An apartment hunt can be fun if you approach it with a positive mindset. Set your budget, and look around for an area you can afford. You can get ideas by using studies like this example to understand market trends for apartments. Once you’ve found the place, passed the credit check and got the keys in your hands, it’s moving day. One of the most chaotic experiences you can have.

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Trying to empty the freezer before moving day could mean eating some pretty odd combinations for dinner. Instead of finding yourself into fish fingers and curry, plan out some quick and easy meals that you can make to use up whatever needs to go before you move. For after the move, stock up on some fast meals, either by prepping and freezing some, or stocking up on microwave meals. Nobody wants to cook while you’re surrounded by boxes.

Use packing as an excuse to declutter. It’s amazing what junk can accumulate and a good clear out can be refreshing. Go through everything as you pack and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Donate it, or have a yard sale to make back some of the cost of moving. Anything you throw out doesn’t need to be packed. Double win.

Buy a tape gun to make making up and sealing up boxes much easier. Label each box clearly with what’s inside it and which room it goes into. This will save the movers from having to ask where you want everything and will help you find everything at the other end.

Moving will go much smoother if you can find the things you need quickly and not have to search every box for the cutlery come dinner time.

What will you need right away in the new house? Pack these into a box that doesn’t go into the moving van. Keep this with you, and you’ll have immediate access to the essentials. This box could include things like phone chargers, a box cutter or scissors to get in other boxes, toilet paper, something to make a drink and any essential medication. Pack similar boxes for pets or children with anything they’ll need immediately too.

Unpack in a sensible order. What will you want first? If you drink tea or coffee, getting the coffee machine or the kettle set up and plugged in quickly will make the rest far less painful. Assemble and make any beds early too. Even if you get no further the first day, you’ll have somewhere to sleep comfortably.

Start early with updating your contact details everywhere. It’s a slow, boring process, so get some of it out of the way as soon as you can. Some companies can be informed in advance of a move. Find out which and get it done.

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Hearing Health & Listening To Music: Everything You Need To Know

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Listening to music is one of the simplest pleasures in life but can, unfortunately, be harmful to hearing health. However, it is possible to enjoy the music you love without causing damage to your hearing. Here’s what you need to know.

How does music harm hearing health?

The music itself is not the issue when it comes to hearing health; it’s the volume. Sounds over 85 decibels are considered to be harmful to hearing if exposure is prolonged; for reference, an average hair dryer will reach between 70 and 85 decibels when used at full power.

What problems can loud music cause?

Listening to music at loud volumes can cause two conditions: hearing loss (where the ability to hear is permanently reduced) and tinnitus (where a person “hears” sounds, such as ringing or beeping, that are not actually present). The damage is usually cumulative, and is usually identified in later life when people seek testing for tinnitus or attend a hearing test after noticing they may be experiencing the symptoms of hearing loss.

Is it possible to listen to music without damaging hearing?

Absolutely. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Whenever you are listening to music, always keep the volume as low as you possibly can.
  • On occasions when you do want to increase the volume, do not exceed more than 60% of the total volume capacity available. Helpfully, many modern devices, such as smartphones, will warn you if you turn the volume up beyond a safe level.
  • How you listen to music is also an important consideration. If possible, avoid listening to music directly; instead, play your chosen songs via a computer or other electronic device that plays music to the entire room. In situations where this is not possible, use headphones rather than earbuds to help protect your ears.
  • Avoid listening to music for sustained periods of time, even when you have kept the volume within the safe limits. Turn the music off every hour or so in order to give your ears the chance to recover a little.
  • If you can, try to avoid listening to music a few days per week. While volume is the most significant factor, how frequently you listen to music can also influence the health of your hearing, so a few “days off” can give your ears the chance to recover.

What about attending live music events?

Live events can cause significant damage to hearing; rock concerts, for example, can easily exceed 100 decibels. To avoid hearing damage caused by live events, it’s usually best to invest in ear protection – earplugs and earmuffs can both work well in this regard, or combine both if you want an extra level of protection.

In conclusion

By following the advice above, you should be able to protect the health of your hearing and still indulge your love of music. However, it is still worth visiting a hearing health professional for hearing or tinnitus testing, just to ensure that the measures we have suggested above are protecting your hearing as you would expect.

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Eyes, Ears, Mouth & Nose: Why Your Senses Need Your Attention

While you’re working out this week, consider when the last time was that you looked after your senses. Our senses are what help us to navigate the world around us, and they do it so well. They’re a part of our instinctive behavior, allowing us to be receptive to the world around us and they allow us a sense of pleasure, too. No one can smell delicious food cooking and not be enticed simply because of how their nose inhales the scent. Maintaining your senses is vital for your overall health and well-being, and in this article, we’re going to explore how you can ensure that you look after your senses enough to live a full and healthy life.

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From the moment we wake up in the morning until we head back to bed at night, we use our eyes. Our sense of sight is one of the most important in our sense arsenal, and taking care of them is vital for a good quality of life. Poor eyesight is noticeable once you schedule in an eye test with your doctor, and you can choose many methods to help your sight, from glasses to lenses and even Lasik, which can correct your eyesight for you. When your eyesight starts to deteriorate, you need more regular appointments to keep it in check, and you should attend these.


Another sense in action, whether we are asleep or not is our hearing. It protects us at night, alerting us to intruders, and it is something that allows us to enjoy day to day life without limits. We use our hearing to talk, laugh and listen to music, and it’s something that is important to use as you age, too. We always think of the elderly when we talk about a decline in hearing, but it’s not always the case. So, keep your hearing in check with hearing aid maintenance that is done regularly, and speak to an audiologist with any concerns. Your hearing needs to be of high quality so that you can live a healthy life and survive for longer.


We taste everything around us all the time, and we notice changes to our tastes relatively quickly. The moment that we notice the delicious food no longer tastes delicious, we need to seek help as it can be because of anything from a mild illness like the cold to a severe condition. Support is always there for your taste buds!


The sense of smell that you have is essential for your daily living, and it’s one of the least focused of the senses. Here’s the thing: you need your sense of smell, because, without it, you can actually lose your sense of taste Not only that, you may miss out on smelling a gas leak or fire – it’s an essential part of your overall health and well-being.

Check your senses and don’t wait until the last minute to speak to someone if you need help.

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3 Strange Ways Depression Affects You

The statistics on depression are pretty clear. The vast majority of people in the world will experience it at some point in their lives, and for many people it will be an ongoing issue. One thing that you can say for depression, however, is that it varies dramatically. Where for one person it might be literally life-ending, for another it could merely be a persistent feeling of low mood and a flattened affect. There is still much that most people don’t understand about depression, and one area that is worth looking into is what kind of effects you might expect from depression. The illness of depression affects your body and mind in many ways. Here are three which you might not expect.

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Depression can do all sorts of things, and one of the things it does for many is that it can cause tinnitus. This is where you experience a ringing in the ears, either one or both, or in the head, which persists and which you can’t seem to get rid of. This can be made worse by complete silence, and the more you focus on it, the worse it can get. Fortunately, there are solutions to tinnitus, and of course if yours is caused by depression then healing the depression will absolutely help. You might also need to get a tinnitus test, to ensure that that is really the problem, and then it might be a case of merely trying to sleep more and look after yourself to get rid of it. For most people, it gets better over time, so there is hope here.

Aches & Pains

Many people don’t realize that depression can cause a range of aches and pains in the body. However, anyone who has experienced a true depressive episode might well have noticed that suddenly their back hurts a lot, or that they are experiencing more headaches than usual, for instance. The way in which depression causes bodily pain is not quite clear to us yet, but it is certain that it does. It can help, if you are stuck in such a situation, to try and move around a little and get some exercise, as that can help to alleviate the depression while also soothing the bodily pain. Of course, to a depression individual, that might seem like a very hard thing to do.

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This one is clearer, especially to anyone who has experienced either insomnia or depression. The inability to sleep properly or deeply can be a cause and a symptom of depression, and it is for this reason that it is such a vicious cycle. Once you are in this cycle, it can be challenging to get out of it again – but it is always possible. Speaking with a therapist will help on the depression side of things, whereas taking steps to sleep better is obviously a wise idea too. So again, try to exercise more – and also ensure that you are not drinking too much coffee in the day, especially in the evening, as that is bound to inhibit your sleep.

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Top Tips For Maintaining Your Smartphone

It’s no secret that we have become a society filled with smartphones. In both the US and the UK, it’s said that around two-thirds of people own smartphones, many of which are used as the only means of getting online. With technology advancing the way it is and phones getting bigger, it’s no surprise that people are finding them more useful than ever. Smartphones aren’t cheap, either. So it is essential to make sure you’re looking after them with regular maintenance. Some top tips for easy maintenance include:

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Getting A Case

There’s nothing much worse than dropping your phone and shattering the screen. It happens a lot, and there’s never a guarantee that you can fix it. You need to research Android and iPhone repair, and you will get an idea of if it’s repairable. The easy answer is to protect your phone with a case. If you know you often drop your phone, then get a case that will protect your phone against a lot of things and give you peace of mind. It may make it more substantial and bulkier, but it’s worth it.

Protect Your Screen

This should be one of the top priorities when you first get your phone; however, it’s never too late to start protecting your phone. Smartphones tend to be quite fragile, so consider a screen protector. Having a protector may keep your screen together if you drop the phone, and it also means it’s harder to scratch your screen. Make sure you get a protector that’s right for your phone, often it’s a sensible idea to have them installed professionally.

Avoid Water and Watch the Temperature

OK, so most of you wouldn’t put your phone in water deliberately, but lots of you may have experienced a time when you’ve accidentally got it wet. Whether it’s forgetting it’s in your pocket at the beach or dropping it down the loo, it’s probably happened at some point. They say that the most convenient way of helping this problem is to use uncooked dry rice. Just leave it overnight, and it’s said that it will relieve it of any moisture. You should also be mindful about leaving your phone out in the sun or a hot car it can wreak havoc on the batteries.

Keep it Clean

You may not be able to see dust, but this doesn’t mean they don’t find a way into your phone. Even if you’re using a case or screen protector, it always seems to find a way in. Too much dust and your phone’s performance can take a massive hit. You should be using a soft clean wipe to clean the screen regularly and every once in a while make sure you take off your case to wipe it over there too.

Look After Your Battery

Believe it or not, your phone isn’t supposed to be kept on charge continuously. This means that for all of us that put our phone on charge overnight, we are probably damaging the battery. The batteries in our phones will last longer and work better for longer if we only charge until it has reached the max.

Do you have any other tips for maintaining your smartphone? Please share them in the comments section below.

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Better Than A Selfie! Why You Need To Take A Drone On Your Next Family Vacation

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They seem to be everywhere these days, the almighty drone! If you’re spending time with the family, while you may be partial to a selfie or two, perhaps it’s time to take it to the next level? A family vacation could very well benefit from having a drone, but why is this, and what can you do to get some inspiration from this little flying contraption?

The Panoramic Views

Let’s start here! You could get different angles, perspectives, and an amazing family picture without having an extended arm in the frame. And yes, even if you go for one of those selfie sticks, you can still tell that it’s a selfie. You may not feel that you can trust a passerby to take a picture for you, but, if you’ve got a drone, you can truly capture the surroundings of where you are. If you want to provide pictures that last a lifetime, but also have an artistic quality to them, think about getting a drone, because you’ll be able to get all sorts of images.

It Will Spark Your Creativity

Living and working at home can sap your creativity, and as such, when you have the opportunity to go on vacation, it’s time to unleash your inner creative beast. Taking a drone doesn’t just mean it is a little toy for the kids to play with, but the different perspectives, options, not to mention never-ending fun you can have with a drone, will prove to be revitalizing. And if you don’t think that a drone can be that integral to someone’s life, check out the Off-road Lights blog and see just how many things a drone can do. It’s not just a way to get a few extra shots; it’s even something you can do to instigate a wedding proposal! Let your mind wander, and take the drone with you!

Let It Pique Your Interest

Let’s face it; using a drone is the perfect way to satisfy your curiosity. If there is something over a hill that you just not able to see, attach a GoPro, and get the drone over there! Of course, be careful not to cross restricted boundaries. When you are in certain areas, there needs to be some sort of common courtesy. But if you want to see what’s in a cave, and you don’t have the guts to venture in by yourself, let the drone do the work for you!

It Could Help You In Times Of Trouble

Going on a family vacation is one of those occasions where it’s relaxing and stressful in equal measure. If you’ve lost something, or you need to check the weather conditions after a storm, or you’ve taken your pet on holiday and they’ve disappeared, a drone can cover a lot more ground.

A family vacation is one of those exciting times, but if you think that your budget doesn’t stretch to getting a drone, it could add that extra edge to the vacation that you need. More than it being something you can fly around for a little bit, a drone can help capture additional images, but it can also be quite a lifesaver!

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Why Students Should Join A Social Networking Site

When you first go off to college, it can be very overwhelming, especially if you don’t know anyone there. Making friends is tricky but once you get into the swing of things, you can become comfortable in your new life.

One of the best ways to meet new people at college and get on track with your schoolwork is to join a social networking site that connects you. In this article, we are going to tell you some of the reasons why we think that students should join a social networking site.

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Meet Other Students

These days, social networking sites come with groups and pages that you can join to find people with similar interests to you. This is something that the network Emenator is so useful for. Members of Emenator can create, share and moderate their own groups so that only the people they want to be in there are. You could join groups for each subject you’re studying, which will connect you with others who are doing the same course as you. It’s been developed for people aged 18+ only, making it the perfect social space for students.

If you struggle to go out and talk to others on campus, then you might enjoy connecting with students online. Soon, you’ll have some friends that you can meet up with.

Communicate With Classmates

One of the great things about social networking sites is that they come with enhanced messaging services in an exclusive setup which allows you to communicate with your classmates and friends. As a student, you are likely to have a lot of questions about your tests and your assignments. When you can easily talk to a classmate online using a messaging service, you can stay on track and improve your academic performance. You could even have an online study group through one of these sites.

Build An Online Profile

Once you have completed your studies, you need to start applying for jobs or internships to get started on your career. This is why we think that you should join a social networking site that will allow you to build up an online profile and gain some important contacts. Some employers look at your online presence and if you use a respected platform wisely, you could boost your chances of getting employed. Think about your career prospects and boost your online profile on social media.

Have Fun

The final reason that we think that students should join a social networking site is that you can have fun. Many of these sites come with games, music and much more that will allow to plug in and have some fun online. On top of this, you can find out about special events online and get some tickets. Soon, you’ll be having fun and meeting plenty of other students just like you.

Final Verdict

A social networking site can boost your online profile and help you to make some friends when you first get to college. Make sure to find the right social networking site for you and you’ll soon be having the best possible experience as a college student in 2019.

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