The risk of lending money.

There are times when the person you least expect to betray you happens to be the very person who will do it to you.

Get my drift?

Well, a friend of mine did that to me. It was almost a year ago when he talked to me, asking to borrow money. I normally don’t allow this but since he was a very close friend of mine, I lent him some. Well, I should have just told him to go and apply for a loan or cash advance rather than lend him the money myself. It will be a year by end-June and I haven’t heard from him since. I was hurt, to say the least. But well, I took the risk and I just have to suffer the consequence.

I suggest that instead of borrowing money from family or friends, there is a cash advance facility available for a person. Impersonal yet very helpful. Try that first before anything else.

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