Taking care of our health as early on as possible is going to help us to avoid illness, disease, and other problems in the future. Failing to look after one’s health can mean a low quality of life in the future, not being able to walk unaided, needing help eating, dressing…the list goes on. If you want to make sure you live a better quality of life now and in the future, you need to know how women should be taking care of their health on 2017.
Read on for some tips that could change the way you feel, look, and live:

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Start Eating To Nourish And Energize Your Body
The food we eat literally becomes what we are made of. Think about that for a second. If you’re eating lots of fast food, junk food, and even microwave meals, you’re going to build your body out of these things. Not only will this affect your waistline, it’ll affect how healthy you are on the inside, and how you feel. You might think you don’t have time, but there are so many healthy meals that can be thrown together in a flash. You can even add ingredients to a slow cooker earlier on in the day so that your meal is ready when you get home from work.
Fill your body with fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and other natural foods. Although you don’t have to become vegan or even vegetarian, recent studies show that cutting down on your meat consumption could be a good idea. Why not cut out red meat, or simply go meatless on Mondays?
Get Some Exercise That You Enjoy
Exercise is important for the health of your heart, as well as great for your mental health! You should never solely exercise to ‘lose weight’. While getting to a healthy weight and shaping up can be good goals, you should also remember how important exercise is for your health in general, and the way you feel. You don’t need to aim to have 6 pack abs to be healthy or to exercise. Just do something you enjoy a minimum of 3 times a week. It could be a class, or a plan that you buy/download.
On top of your exercise, aim to get around 8,000-10,000 steps per day. Many people go to the gym and think that this is enough, however, they barely get any steps in. Aim to walk more, and get outside while you do it!
Avoid Bad Habits Like The Plague
We shouldn’t have to lecture you on how bad things like drinking, smoking, and drug taking are. Taking drugs will affect you psychologically in the long term, and can even cause short term psychosis. Drinking occasionally and in moderation is okay, but drinking regularly is a no-no. If you drink to help yourself sleep, you will actually cause insomnia over time. Smoking is terrible for all kinds of reasons, from your heart health to your eye health. The best thing you can do is put down the cigarettes right now. If you can’t go cold turkey, there are things like patches, gum, and even e-cigs to help you (although bear in mind that the e-cig industry is unregulated).
Make Sure You’re Getting Plenty Of Sleep
Everybody has a different sleeping pattern, and so we can’t really tell you that you must get 8 hours of sleep per night or else. You need to know what works for you. There are studies that suggest, however, less than 6 hours of sleep per night has been linked to many health problems. Some scientists say you may as well be getting none at all.
Have Regular Health Check Ups
Regular health check ups are imperative, especially as you get a little older. You should be doing your own breast exams, as well as going for professional health exams. Visiting fertility clinics to get a better picture of your fertility as well on tips on how to improve could be a good idea too. If you have any health concerns, don’t put them off. Get them checked over ASAP.
Find Ways To De-stress
Stress is invisible, but the damage it can do is terrifying. Identify causes of stress in your life and figure out ways you can minimize it. Take a mental health day if you feel that work is affecting your mental health. Over time, meditation can even help you to become more grounded and less stressful.

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Wear Sunscreen Every Day
Sunscreen is imperative for protecting the skin from the invisible nasties that can damage us even when the sun isn’t out. Buy products that contain an SPF to make this easier.
Cut Back On Screen Time
How long do you think you spend on the computer, your smartphone, your tablet, and watching the TV? This adds up to a lot of screen time that can mess up our circadian rhythms. Not only that, it’s a form of procrastination and self sabotage that means we actually get nothing worthwhile done. Don’t do these things mindlessly, and think of the things you could be doing instead. You could be spending time on a hobby (which is great for your mental health), or reading a great book.
Be More Social
Humans are social creatures, and as such it can actually be bad for our physical health if we become too isolated. Make sure you stay in touch with those you love. Call a friend for a catch up, or visit them for a quick coffee. Laugh more. You’ll feel so much better.
Be More Mindful
Aim to be more mindful throughout the day. Don’t worry about the future or stress over the past. Attempt to live in this moment, right now. Do you have anything at all to worry about right now?
Take more mindful breaths, and be more conscious of the things you say and do. Mindfulness is a wonderful tool for better health and a better life.
Will you use these tips to take care of your health? Leave your own thoughts below!