It’s never too late.


Let me tell you something about myself that only those close to me know… I am a published local romance novelist. Yes, I write romantic stories. And I’d like to think that I may not be as good as the others, but I am getting there.

Can you imagine getting something in your inbox like this…

Katie from said “Being a wedding fanatic, this was a must read for me and it certainly didn’t disappoint!”

I was in awe!

I remember writing romantic stories back in high school. I would write one chapter, get it read by my friends and those classmates close to me, then I’d get their feedback. I’d base the next chapter on what they wanted to happen so I write the next one and get them to read again. It became a daily occurrence in our classmate where the girls would gather around me, sharing the notebook where I wrote the chapters, passing it one after the other, and then I’d shyly talk to them about the next one. It felt too good especially when the feedback about my writing was a positive one. I remember my best friend offering to talk to their family friend who was a publisher for my chapters to be converted into a book. I was thrilled but I was not really too keen on the idea of getting my story out there.

Fast forward more than two decades later, after five whole stories written, I took a risk, left my comfort zone, and got one story published! When I got the call from the local editor, I didn’t know where to jump for joy or run inside my bedroom to silently scream for pride that I finally got one story approved and ready for the world to read.

It took three years before the first story got published but it was okay. I was still so happy because my goal is not to be the next romance writer queen but to just be published and see my pen name on the cover of a small romance novel.

You know, it’s never too late to take a risk and leave your comfort zone. It’s out there where you can reach your goal. Trust me, it’s scary but it’s all worth it!

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