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There are two sides to every coin. That is a fact. So while working from home has an abundance of benefits that always accompany it to the ball (either you’re either your own boss or you get to avoid your actual boss!) there are some downsides too, most notably trying to stay motivated.
It is one nasty double-edged sword. All of your responsibilities rely on you staying motivated but because you work from home staying motivated is like trying to get out of bed in the mornings – almost impossible at times.
In fact, a lot of work-from-homers find they stop striving to take their work or business to the next level and become content with what they are earning now.
If this is you. If you find your flow stops every so often, or you start slacking now and then and taking extended lunch breaks to scroll through Facebook, then read on because we have some tips that can help you stay motivated.
Short-Term Goals Only
Long-term goals rarely work for the simple fact they seem so unattainable. WIt is like the whole climate change thing. We all know that we need to do more but because it seems so unattainable we don’t do enough. But if we all started eating locally sourced food or taking shorter showers we would get there. The same goes for your goals. Keep them small and you will get there. Start with something small, like trying to earn an extra $75 a week, and then revel in all that extra cash you are making each month and push it again.
Get Inspired Again
We live in a day and age that is totally dominated by the Internet. But while this is a huge source of your procrastination problem, it can also be used for good too. You could use it to partake in MBA online accredited programs that teach you how to be a more effective business leader. You could set aside half an hour every morning to watch a TED Talk and get inspired by people that can help you improve. You could join a forum that is designed to help people that work from home. All of these will give you that kick up the rump you may need.
Look At Your Vision
There is a lot to be said for a vision board. It could be that you wallpaper the wall in front of your desk or just hang a pinboard to the right of where you sit. So long as you have a place where all your wants and dreams can be seen on a daily basis it doesn’t matter. It could be a house, a car, places you want to visit, a particular client that you want to land. By having something that constantly reminds you of why you are doing what you do you will find your motivation levels spike. You will have a reminder of everything you can achieve if you stop procrastinating and keep working hard.
One thing that is worth noting is the importance of a break too. If the creative juices aren’t flowing, don’t force them. That’s as important to your motivation as anything else.