Moving house is exciting, but stressful. You’ve been saving hard to afford your dream place, and now the hard work begins.
Your first step, of course, is finding the one. An apartment hunt can be fun if you approach it with a positive mindset. Set your budget, and look around for an area you can afford. You can get ideas by using studies like this example to understand market trends for apartments. Once you’ve found the place, passed the credit check and got the keys in your hands, it’s moving day. One of the most chaotic experiences you can have.

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Trying to empty the freezer before moving day could mean eating some pretty odd combinations for dinner. Instead of finding yourself into fish fingers and curry, plan out some quick and easy meals that you can make to use up whatever needs to go before you move. For after the move, stock up on some fast meals, either by prepping and freezing some, or stocking up on microwave meals. Nobody wants to cook while you’re surrounded by boxes.
Use packing as an excuse to declutter. It’s amazing what junk can accumulate and a good clear out can be refreshing. Go through everything as you pack and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Donate it, or have a yard sale to make back some of the cost of moving. Anything you throw out doesn’t need to be packed. Double win.
Buy a tape gun to make making up and sealing up boxes much easier. Label each box clearly with what’s inside it and which room it goes into. This will save the movers from having to ask where you want everything and will help you find everything at the other end.
Moving will go much smoother if you can find the things you need quickly and not have to search every box for the cutlery come dinner time.
What will you need right away in the new house? Pack these into a box that doesn’t go into the moving van. Keep this with you, and you’ll have immediate access to the essentials. This box could include things like phone chargers, a box cutter or scissors to get in other boxes, toilet paper, something to make a drink and any essential medication. Pack similar boxes for pets or children with anything they’ll need immediately too.
Unpack in a sensible order. What will you want first? If you drink tea or coffee, getting the coffee machine or the kettle set up and plugged in quickly will make the rest far less painful. Assemble and make any beds early too. Even if you get no further the first day, you’ll have somewhere to sleep comfortably.
Start early with updating your contact details everywhere. It’s a slow, boring process, so get some of it out of the way as soon as you can. Some companies can be informed in advance of a move. Find out which and get it done.