Most companies employ a receptionist to take calls, speak to the callers, screen the calls and pass the calls to the right person to handle the calls. You will have to pay the receptionist a monthly wage, increment when it is due, and plus other monetary benefits. Sometimes the receptionist will call in sick and you will have to find a temporary receptionist to stand in for her until she is well enough to return to work. A receptionist can resign if she is not happy working in your company or when it is time for her to retire.

In today’s modern world, more companies are relying on a virtual receptionist to do the work of the traditional receptionist that works in your company. There are now companies providing business owners with virtual receptionists that can handle the normal work done by your staff. A virtual receptionist is an outsourced call handling operator who is trained to manage your companies’ calls from outside your company.
These virtual receptionists are highly-skilled telephone agents. They are trained to carry out the full range of receptionist skills that include message taking, switchboard call forwarding or call patching, dairy management, order taking, emergency call response and etc. Virtual receptionists are trained professionals who are able to handle difficult callers, angry callers and are usually based in a call center and work in a team. They are rarely seen by business clients. Modern technology are able to have your calls from your existing telephone line transferred out to the call centre where the virtual receptionist is without the knowledge of the callers.
Global Business Centers is now a leading worldwide supplier of virtual offices for small businesses, home-based businesses, and international entrepreneurs. Business owners are able to use their prestigious Executive Suites address as their virtual office address on their business cards, website and marketing materials. These prestigious addresses included GBC’S headquarters location in the famed “Golden Triangle of Beverly Hills and other national and international locations e.g. New York City, London and Hong Kong. Business owners using these virtual office addresses need not have to worry about pricey rental for full-time offices.
Clients of Global Business Centers are offered access to personalized phone reception services and postal management at a distinguished mailing address. The professional mail room staff accepts and sign for clients’ mail and packages to be collected whenever convenient for their clients. Luxurious conference room are available for their use. Most attractive is business clients get to enjoy short term leases.