Your career is something that’s going to stay with you for life, so you’re going to have to make the most of it. Even though that’s the last thing that any of you are going to want to do! Your career can take you many places however, you just need to know where to look and what potential you might have. Don’t be that person that stays at the bottom of the career ladder because they can’t be bothered with the effort of finding a new career. Be that person who uses their knowledge of their original career to jump from one to the next. Because each career can lead to something equally as great, you just need to make sure you’re discovering the potential of each one. So, if you’re wondering how one career can lead to another, and how to make sure yours does, here’s our top tips on moving from one great career to another!

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There are so many careers out there that would allow you to specialise in another area, therefore moving from one area of the career to another. Take nursing as a prime example. When you first qualify, you will just be a normal staff nurse which is great. But over time, you’ll pick up skills and find out where your interests lie, which could lead you to go onto specialising. For example, you could take a online dnp fnp program which would allow you to become a family nurse practitioner, meaning you’re dealing primarily with families and are more community based. For those who don’t like the drama and the face based environment of the hospital, this could be a fabulous idea! So, think about your career at the minute, and think about what you can specialise in. Whether you have to go back to education or not, you should consider moving around to keep your interest in the career alive!
Transferable Skills
The career that you want to move to might be completely unrelated to the career that you’re in at the minute, but that’s fine. You could have transferable skills that would allow you to move from one career line to another, therefore allowing you to progress to something that’s going to make you happier! Because the career you’re in at the minute might just be getting you by, when you need something that’s going to spark an interest for life!
Something You’re Interested In
You need to find something that you’re actually going to be interested in. Something that you’re actually going to wake up in the morning and think that you can’t wait to get out of bed to experience the working day! To find something that you’re truly interested in, try doing some volunteering work out side of your normal job. It will help you to gain valuable knowledge and experience within the field that interests you, and will allow you to see if it is actually something you would be interested in doing full time. There would be nothing worse than to move to a career you think you would like, only to find out you hate it!