There is no denying that the pandemic has caused a lot of grief. Whilst some have revelled in lockdown and the pleasures it has brought with it; like being able to spend more time with family, getting to know your neighbours and feeling the overwhelming sense of community. The ‘we’re all in this together’ camaraderie has helped a lot of people through. But that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been hard. The world is changing forever as the lockdown has forced many people to adapt. Remote working isn’t just a thing of dreams anymore as big bosses realise it can be done. Offices are staying closed, businesses are being forced to find alternative ways to keep on surviving. With some people being furloughed and others even facing redundancy. It’s a challenging time and if you find yourself in any of these situations then perhaps can help you.

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Whatever path you might find yourself going down, the first and foremost thing, is to make sure you look after yourself. Being made redundant – during the pandemic or not – can be incredibly stressful. On top of this currently is the added factor of being frightened of an invisible threat. But you have a real opportunity here to step into a life you always wanted but were maybe too scared to go after. It’s a strange time and unfortunately many businesses, through being forced to adapt, aren’t hiring new employees. So if you’re faced with uncertainty and you’re wondering where that next pay check is going to come from just remember you are not alone. The best thing you can do right now for your mental well-being is to look beyond the financial aspect, take stock and think about your long term goals. Check in with yourself and figure out what you really want.
While now may not be the best time to socialise and meet new people, always try and keep your options open by keeping communication open with people. Network virtually, you never know when or where a job opportunity might come up. Or perhaps there’s a company that you maybe didn’t have the confidence to go for in the past or maybe your qualifications didn’t quite match up perfectly. Be ballsy, you’ve got nothing to lose by going for it now. Or just use this time to polish up your CV and do any jobs around the house that needed your attention before but you didn’t have the time for.
Redundancy can lead to lots of anxiety, stress and worry about the future and things feel very uncertain right now with the pandemic. Accepting that redundancy is out of your control and that it is not your fault is the first step in moving forward. Once you accept that it is out of your control you can start to focus on things that are in your control. Take care of yourself, keep up with the latest news so you can keep yourself and your family safe and healthy. Figure out what you want to do and when the time is right approach it with a new confidence.