There’s nothing worse than feeling out of sorts and thanks to the colder weather making its way in, cold and flu bugs are lurking at every corner. Unfortunately, resting up while you get over any winter illnesses isn’t always an option and if you’ve got to try and find the strength to soldier on, then check out these tips on how to find that get-up and go when the winter bugs hit your home.

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Stock up on essentials
When illnesses hit your home you’ll need to stock up on plenty of essentials to make it through the coming days. Things such as:
- Tissues
- Vicks vapour rub
- Anti diarrhoea tablets
- NSAIDs (paracetamol and ibuprofen/Calpol for the kids)
- Hot water bottles
- Throat sweets
- Healthy and nutritious food
- honey
Can really help improve the way you’re feeling. Make sure that you’re dosed up as much as possible to take away the gruelling symptoms of a fever or a sore throat, and use as many relief options as possible so that you can feel the best you possibly can.
Starve the bug, feed the flu
An important rule to remember if you do fall sick is to starve the bug and feed the flu. A vomiting stomach bug will thrive on food and make you unwell for longer than needed. Avoid eating for as long as possible and isolate yourself for at least 48 hours to prevent passing it onto those around you.
Whereas the flu symptoms that come with a cold resolve faster if you’re well-fed with healthy and nutritious food and drinks. Add a spring to your step by eating meat for breakfast and adding some well-needed protein into your body to last through the day. Other foods that will make you feel better quickly are warm and softer/liquid foods such as chicken soup.
Give yourself time to relax
While you still may need to go to work, look after the kids and keep up with the housework, remember that it’s perfectly okay to give yourself time to relax and get over your illness. Leave the housework and put your feet up as soon as possible. You’ll feel like a whole new person after some much-needed rest!
Another great tip for a cold is to take a very warm bath in eucalyptus. This helps ‘sweat’ out your illness while freeing up your airways that were feeling oh-so-blocked up. Putting vapour rub on the soles of your feet and wearing socks to bed can also help relieve a nasty cough when you’re trying to sleep.
Go and see your GP
Finally, while most illnesses last between 24 hours and a week, sometimes you can find yourself feeling unwell for longer periods of time. If you’ve been feeling out of sorts for over a week without any improvement, make an appointment with your GP as you may have an infection. If you are one of those people who feel you don’t need to see the doctor, but the problem won’t go away, there may be something underneath. Common signs of uncontrolled asthma are exacerbated in the winter, but not noticeable during the summer months. If you struggle to breathe during the winter, a prescribed asthma pump may help you through the gruesome winter months. Remember, if you’re not sure, always consult your GP or pharmacist for advice.
With these tips and a whole lot of stocking up to do, you’ll battle through any illnesses that hit you or your home and feel better in no time!