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If you own a diamond ring then it is likely to be an extremely precious piece of jewellery, such as an engagement ring. Therefore, if you want your ring to look as stunning as it did when you first received it, you need to make sure you look after it properly. Your diamond is not going to maintain its beauty without proper care. When you consider how much of an investment a diamond is, you see why it is so important to care for your diamond properly. This article aims to give you a helping hand with that by providing you with some key advice on taking care of diamonds.
How do you clean a diamond ring?
One extremely effective way of cleaning diamonds is to use vodka. So, how do you use vodka to clean diamonds? This is a really simple method. All you need to do is leave your ring to soak in a glass of vodka. Once you remove the ring you will instantly notice that the diamond has got its sparkle back. However, don’t immediately place it back onto your finger. You will need to rinse it under the tap with warm water and then make sure you rub it dry as well. Use a lint-free cloth.
If you don’t keep vodka in your home then maybe this next method will be more beneficial for you. You will need to get yourself a bowl and mix together four parts warm water with one part household ammonia. Soak the ring in this solution for no longer than ten minutes. Once you have removed it you should brush it very gently with a soft small and gentle brush, such as a child’s toothbrush. After this, dip it back into the mixture and then rinse it with lukewarm water. Leave it on a drain to dry or you can use a lint-free cloth similarly to the previous method.
One important point to note is that you should never leave your ring on a paper tissue to dry. This is because it can leave dust and fibres onto the ring.
It is also a good idea to make sure you take your ring off while you are getting dressed. If you do not do this, it is going to get covered in perfumes, creams, and lotions, which can cause the ring to deteriorate a lot quicker than it would usually.
How should you store your diamond rings?
Storing your ring correctly is important as well, especially if this is an engagement or wedding ring. Make sure you keep your diamond jewellery in a fabric lined jewel case. In addition to this, don’t keep your diamond jewellery next to other pieces. You don’t want scratches to arise from them rubbing together.
Have a quality jeweller on hand
Last but not least, it is important to make sure you have a quality jeweller on hand to provide you with a repair and reconstruction should you need it. In fact, it is recommended that you take your diamond jewellery to a jeweller every six months so that you can have it looked at professionally and so that the prongs can be tightened.
When it comes to choosing a jeweller, the answer is simple; make sure they are experienced, they have a wealth of repair and construction services, their prices are fair, and they are experts in the field of diamonds.
Thanks to the Internet, it is easier than ever before to find a reputable jeweller. You can read reviews that have been left by others. Independent review platforms are best because you will know that you are reading authentic and genuine comments, rather than comments that have been hand-selected from the company in question.
Don’t forget about the security of your diamond ring
It is also important to make sure you invest in a quality safe for your diamond. At the end of the day, this is a highly valuable piece of jewellery, and so you need to make certain that it is looked after. What are the best home safes? This depends on what you are storing inside. You can get safes that are specifically for jewellery, which can be secured in your bedroom, or another part of the property if you would prefer.
To conclude, it is important to look after your diamond jewellery properly if you want it to sparkle for as long as possible. Not only do you need to consider jewellery maintenance, but you also need to make sure that your diamond jewellery is secure as well.