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If you’re in the position of having to deal with a job you hate then it’s likely that many friends have given you the advice to leave the job, and find something better, yet – you remain in the job you hate, and might even question yourself as to why this is the case.
The reality is that people value security and stability in their lives; it’s a nice feeling to know you can afford to live, whereas the idea of letting go of something that provides an element of financial security can feel very uncertain. Then, there’s the fear of change.
Indeed, many people choose to stay in jobs, or even relationships, that don’t serve them because they are afraid of change – meaning they fear that they will lose the benefits of what they currently have in their life (however minimal) in fear that they might exchange it for something worse.
For instance, in a relationship context, people fear that if they leave a bad relationship they will end up alone and nobody will ever love them again… this tends to be the reason so many people stay in unhappy relationships, and why many people have affairs, or don’t leave a relationship until they have something else lined up – like Tarzan swinging from one tree to the next, it can be a scary prospect to be flying through the air without a branch to cling to.
This is particularly true with jobs, even jobs you hate, as the sense of certainty and stability that comes from it is addictive.
The truth is, people often feel trapped and like their options are limited – but this is like a horse with blinkers; it cannot see the whole landscape because it is focused on only one aspect of a much larger picture.
In reality you could do anything, for instance, you could spend your time learning to compare trading styles when it comes to spread betting and the stock market; meaning you might not even have to work in any job, presuming you invest wisely and follow a solid strategy.
The point is, you don’t have to live a miserable life where you feel trapped and limited; you could find a way to create passive income that allows you to go on travel adventures with your family rather than beholden to an unappreciative boss.
As humans we are limitless in our potential to achieve anything – we don’t always feel this way, as we are subject to fundamental limitations; for instance we cannot sprout wings and fly – but we don’t have to… instead, we find a way to fly, by use of coming up with the idea of an aeroplane, an air balloon, and even a spaceship!
In summary, if you’re having to deal with a job you hate then the most fundamental principle is to reconnect with the possibility of life; and remember you’re not limited in your options – the world is your oyster, but only if you allow yourself to perceive it in such a way.