Weight loss should be simple. In fact, many people think they have cracked weight loss entirely. “It’s very easy,” they enthuse, often in the comment sections of unpleasant newspaper websites, “you just eat less and move more! What’s so hard?”
Well, this viewpoint is more than a little ignorant. It ignores the fact that weight fluctuates, and when you have gained weight, it’s very difficult to lose it. Your body effectively wants to hang on to that excess fat, seeing it as essential for survival. So “eating less and moving more” might sound like a simple idea, but it’s up against thousands of years of human evolution. It’s very difficult to lose weight, and that’s a scientific fact.
Given this reality, a lot of scientific investigation, food experimentation, nutritional study, and so much more has been conducted in an effort to help people lose weight. Below are some of the conclusions of all that work. There are choices other than just heading to the gym relentlessly and monitoring every calorie that passes your lips. if you want to lose weight, the science suggests that you need to incorporate these three surprising changes into your lifestyle.
Reduce Your Stress To Reduce Your Waistline
The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to be overweight. When we’re stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, which encourages our body to hang on to its fat stores. Reduce your stress, and you will find losing weight becomes far, far easier.
Calcium Could Hold The Key To A Slimmer You
A 2009 study concluded that calcium could be an effective tool for weight loss. This is a big discovery, and one which suggests that you may want to supplement calcium into your diet.
Rather than buying the cheapest bottle of calcium pills you can, take the time to consider all your options. Ideally, you want plant-based calcium, which is better absorbed. As you can see from these AlgaeCal reviews, those who have elected to opt for plant-based calcium seem to be happy with their choice.
Of course, you should always talk to your doctor prior to taking any supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions.
Zero Noodles, Zero Calories — But Lots Of Weight Loss
If you’ve tried restricting your calories and have found that you’re starving hungry all the time, then “zero” noodles might be just what you need. Shiritaki noodles are a Japanese invention that have no calories, but will ensure you always feel like you’ve had enough to eat.
Alongside being calorie-free, there’s another reason to introduce these unique noodles into your life. A compound found in the noodles, glucomannan, has been shown to aid weight loss in and of itself. If you always find yourself hungry when trying to reduce your calories, shiritaki noodles could be the solution that you’ve been waiting for.
So while watching what you eat and exercising wherever possible is never going to be bad advice, the above ideas may provide the boost you need to get to your weight loss goal as soon as possible.