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You might be surprised by the answer to this question because research shows that people who work in healthcare are generally healthier. It sounds odd, but when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Let’s look at some of the reasons why a career in healthcare could lead you to a healthier life.
You’ll See When Things Go Wrong
Smoking, drugs, overeating and not exercising. We’ve all heard of what can happen if we neglect our bodies in these ways. We were warned by our parents, lectured in school and nagged by our partners. But often, it’s only when you get a real experience of the issues that you start to truly appreciate some of the dangers here. It’s difficult to ignore the dangers of drinking, for instance, when you’ve seen what it does to a once healthy liver. That’s why despite the fact that crutches like this make TV characters interesting, real doctors don’t tend to have these types of issues.
You’ll Build A Strong Immune System
Contrary to belief doctors and nurses don’t have a stronger immune system naturally. So, if you’re hoping that working in a hospital is going to make you a superhuman, think again. However, doctors and nurses do have to keep their immune systems healthier by taking more supplements and eating well. So by working in medicine, you’ll naturally improve your diet, and you will also boost up your immune system. You have to otherwise you would be sick every other day!
You’ll Recognise The Signs Of Danger
You might think that doctors and nurses are constantly paranoid, but that’s not true. They just know when it’s time to worry. If you look into nursing programs online, you’ll see that part of the course is about recognizing symptoms in patients and recognizing when the situation is nothing to worry about. You’ll learn both and this will, of course, benefit you in your personal life. How often do you head to the doctor thinking the worse, only to discover it’s nothing? And how many people miss out on treatment they need because they don’t recognize the signs. Well, once you study medicine, neither is going to happen to you. You’ll know when to ignore issues with your body and when to get treatment from a professional.
Less Stress?
It’s odd to think of a medical career as something that isn’t stressful, but it might not be. It depends on the position and where you are in your career. If you work in an emergency ward, you bet you’ll be under pressure. But working in a clinic or as a private doctor, things are going to be far gentler. You won’t be rushing around everywhere, and instead, you’ll be in the perfect position to enjoy your career and benefit from it.
It seems clear then that working in healthcare could actually keep you healthy, leading you to a better lifestyle. You’ll be eating well, building your immune system and let’s not forget, you’ll be completing rewarding, meaningful work. Something that will definitely impact your mental health.