There is a question as old as time that has split the opinions of people the world over. Which is the best sleeping position? Everybody has their own answer and they’ll argue that the way that they sleep is the best for comfort as well as health. But are there any solid answers that can finally put that argument to bed for good? Fortunately, there is information about the pros and cons of sleeping positions, but if you’re looking for a definitive answer, you’re out of luck. The truth is there are different benefits to each sleeping position so it really depends on your priorities. To help you decide on the best way to sleep, here are the pros and cons of each position.

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On Your Back
This is the position that people often say is the best way to get a good night’s sleep. If you struggle with a bad back then this is probably the way to go. By sleeping flat on your back, you avoid any twists or contortions in the spine so it’s the best way to maintain good back health. It helps you to get the most out of your mattress because you get the most support when you’re sleeping in this position. The ideal way to sleep on your back is without any pillows at all, but most people won’t do that. Having one pillow isn’t too much of an issue but if you’ve got loads, your neck will be at a strange angle and it can affect your breathing.
If you’re worried about wrinkles, sleeping on your back is the way to go. Having your face buried in a pillow all night massively increases the chance of getting wrinkles but sleeping on your back keeps you looking younger for longer.
However, sleeping on your back isn’t always the best option. Sleeping on your back is intrinsically linked to sleep apnea and if you suffer from the condition, doctors will always recommend that you sleep in a different position. It also makes you more likely to snore so if you’re a loud sleep, you might want to think about changing position, if only for the benefit of everybody else in the house.
On Your Stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is often considered to be one of the worst ways to sleep but that’s not strictly true. We’ve already established that sleeping on your back is bad for sleep apnea and snoring. Sleeping on your front is the best way to combat both of those problems. However, it’s not great for anything else so, unless you suffer from either of those issues, you should probably avoid it.
The problem with sleeping on your front is that it doesn’t keep your spine straight. If you’re lying on your front all night, with a crooked spine, you can cause yourself serious problems. You’re likely to wake up with a stiff back and pain in your lower back. The position of your head is another big problem but it can be easily solved. According to Sleep Ridiculously Well, there are special pillows designed specifically for people that sleep on their front. A thinner pillow will make the bend in your neck and spine smaller and reduce the amount of damage that you’re doing to yourself. If you don’t use one of these pillows, you’ll damage your neck severely.
You can sleep on your front safely if that’s your preferred position, you’ll just need a few well placed pillows. Putting an extra pillow under your hips and your stomach, you’ll straighten your spine out and avoid getting back pain.
On Your Side
Studies show that the most popular sleeping position is on your side. The majority of people claim to sleep this way, although we can’t know whether they move during the night so this information should be taken with a pinch of salt. So, most of us sleep this way but is it a good idea. If you’re pregnant, side sleeping is always recommended by the doctor, particularly on the left side. If you’re not pregnant, side sleeping could still be good for you. It’s been proven to reduce the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux problems so if that’s something that’s a big problem for you, consider changing position.

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However, it’s not all good news for side sleepers. It can cause you problems with circulation if you’re constantly sleeping on your arm. It also puts unnecessary pressure on your stomach and lungs which can lead to more health problems. The shoulder takes the brunt of the weight so it can be damaged as well. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sleep on your side at all, but it’s a good idea to switch sides each night to reduce the strain on your body.
Sorry if you were hoping for a solid answer about which is the best position to sleep in. The truth is, they all have their merits and it depends on what health problems you’ve got.