With World Mental Health Day being just this past week, it can be a good idea to talk about it and how we can all take care of our own mental health. You don’t have to be taking medication for something like depression or bipolar disorder to need to think about your mental health. From anxiety to stress, there are everyday issues that can overwhelm us and really get us down. Making us feel down and affecting our overall health. So if you’re due for a bit of a mental health checkup, then here are some things that you can do for your mental health so that you can find the right balance in life.

Love Yourself
This can be easier said than done. However, being kinder to yourself is one of the first ways to have better mental health. You can avoid criticizing yourself and look for positive things about yourself. Give yourself some time to do things that you enjoy, as well as taking care of yourself through living a healthy lifestyle. Start with you and do something each day that makes you happy.
Have Timeouts
From busy family life to work and career stress, it can be really beneficial to take a timeout from time to time. Having a day where you don’t have to stress about anything can be just what you need to improve your mental health and stop it from escalating. If you have a job that is pretty full on, like in the medical profession or as a carer, then make sure you use things like respite care to give you some time that you need. You’re not going to be a help to anyone if you can’t take care of yourself first.
Take Care of Yourself
When we eat the right foods and don’t exercise, then it can get us in a negative cycle. We can will feel lethargic, overweight, and unhealthy. It can get us down and depressed. But when you eat wholesome foods that are filling and have nutritional value, then it can make you feel full of energy and much more positive. Exercise is a good way to make yourself feel happier too. Your body gets pumped full of happy hormones, as well as exercise acting as a stress reliever. So it really is a win-win to eat well and exercise regularly.
Be With Good People
They say that we become like the five or six people that we spend most of our time with. So think about who you are around the most. Are they toxic people that leave you feeling down and unhappy? If so, then it could mean that it is time to make some changes. Surround yourself with positivity, and you’ll feel much happier.
Get Help When You Need It
At the end of the day, if you keep feeling low no matter what you do, then get the help that you need. It could be to speak to a counselor or to seek medical advice. Just remember that it is okay to not be okay. Don’t suffer in silence.