If you don’t feel absolutely awesome in yourself, then you need to take action. It might sound cheesy or cliche, but you should be your best friend. You’re the only one who has to live with yourself forever, so you should learn to like yourself! Here are some pointers that will help you to learn to like yourself, or feel better about yourself, quickly:
Start Taking Play Seriously
The problem a lot of people have is taking work more seriously than play. Work earns people money and helps them to live, and play does not – so naturally, people don’t prioritize it, and it falls to the wayside. However, you’ll feel so much better about yourself and your situation when you take play just as seriously as you take work or home cleaning. Play is important as it’s great for your overall well being. It’s great for stress relief, enjoyment, and simply forgetting your troubles for a while. Try a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, or spend more time doing the things that you really love.
Learn A New Skill
Why not learn a new skill? When you set out to learn a new skill, you tend to break out of your comfort zone and begin to feel far more comfortable in your abilities. You may surprise yourself, and realize that you’re capable of far more than you could have ever imagined.
Wear Clothes You Love
The clothes we wear can have a direct impact on how we feel. If you’re wearing lounge clothes each and every day, you’ll likely feel lazy. If you wore a suit to work, you’d probably feel far more productive. This isn’t to say you should go to extremes, but there’s a nugget of truth when people say ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have.’ As clothes impact the way we feel, they can impact how productive we are. Wear clothes that make you feel great and like getting things done no matter what.

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Take Care Of Your Appearance
Spend more time on your appearance. You don’t have to slather yourself in makeup every day – not at all. Simple spend more time grooming yourself and doing what feels good. There are plenty of resources online that can help you to take care of your hair for next to nothing, like this resource here. Going to a salon is great, but not always affordable. Make sure you have a great skincare routine, too. Take care of your teeth and nails. Let your natural beauty shine through!
Take Some Time For A Pamper
Run yourself a bath and spend more time in it than you usually would. Paint your nails. Moisturize your skin with something luxurious. Spend time pampering yourself once or twice a week. Don’t just save it for special occasions!
Spend Time With People Who Lift You Up
We become most like the people we spend time with, so if you’re spending time with people who are constantly negative about themselves, you’re probably going to feel the same, eventually. Spend time with those who are positive and lift you up!