Everybody wants to save more money. Whether you’re saving up for a vacation or want to build up your savings for retirement, saving money is important to everyone. It can seem difficult to save money if you feel like you’ll have to go without things. With these life hacks, you can save money without feeling like you’re going without.

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- 1. Speak to a financial advisor. They can help you to look over your finances and help you spot areas where you could better manage your money. Whether you’re overpaying on your mortgage or have debts to handle, they can assist you with sensible solutions to make you better able to save.
- 2. Clear your browser history. Shopping online can very tempting when you’re trying to save money. After browsing online, clear your cache and browser history. Online companies use cookies to follow your progress around the internet and will show you the products you’ve looked at in adverts, tempting you to go back and buy.
- 3. Turn down the brightness on the screens of your TV and computer. This is not only better for your eye health, but it can also save you a lot of money. Lowering the brightness from the default can really reduce the amount of energy you use, which is much cheaper. The default brightness is meant to make the screens look their best in a store under fluorescent lighting. You don’t need it this bright in the lounge.
- 4. Carry large bills. Many people find that paying in cash instead of using cards makes you less likely to overspend. This is because you can see what you’re spending. If you carry large bills, you won’t want to break it, which can save you from making impulse purchases that you don’t actually particularly want.
- 5. Build your credit. Whether your credit is good, bad, or middling, you can still do more to build it up. Credit is used to determine your rate on loans and is also used by utility and insurance companies to decide on your monthly premium. A good score could save you a lot of money on the bills.
- 6. Make big purchases at the end of the month. Sales representatives, whether they’re selling cars or washing machines, will have a monthly quota to meet. If you need to make a large purchase, try and wait until the end of the month. If the salesperson has had a bad month, they may be open to giving you a generous discount in order to secure a sale and meet their targets.
- 7. Paint your roof white. Painting the roof sounds strange but could potentially be a big saving. Roofs are usually a dark shade, but dark colors absorb more heat. In the summer, this means you’ll have to crank up the air conditioning to keep the house cool. With a white roof, this doesn’t happen.
- 8. Brew your own coffee. Takeaway coffee can be a pricey treat, especially if you buy it most days. Instead, treat yourself to some quality coffee that you can brew at home. Even with a more expensive brand, it’ll be cheaper than coffee shop drinks. If you do buy takeout coffee, take your own reusable mug. Many shops now offer a discount if you don’t need a disposable cup.