Going green this season.

Have you noticed how a lot of people are buying plants nowadays? Indoor and outdoor plants, small and big ones. A lot of homeowners are turning to plants to beautify their homes and to reap the benefits of having one at home. I am sure plant enthusiasts are checking out Plant Shed New York City locations so they can get their hands on what’s new especially for this season.


Plants are natural air sanitizers. You only need to choose the right one you can place inside your home, especially ones that are safe for kids to touch and be around with. There are local florists in New York City where you can inquire and who can help you choose the best ones for you.

My choices are, and I believe, the best nyc florists will also say these, are purifying plants. Here are eight of them:

1. Devil’s Ivy or pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
2. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix Roebelenii)
3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
4. Philodendron
5. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
6. Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
7. Rubber plants (Ficus elastic)
8. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata v. Bostoniesis)

There are a lot more you can choose for your home.

Another important consideration in choosing a plant is your skill and patience in taking care of it. There are low maintenance plants, ones you don’t need to water daily, ones that don’t really need sunshine. There are also plants that can grow taller than you and ones that will occupy a big space. You really need to choose the ones that you can take care of and will be great for the space you have at home.

Lastly, plants need your TLC even those low maintenance ones. So be sure to choose ones you can really commit to.

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