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Not too long ago, mental health had a taboo or stigma attached to it. People didn’t tend to talk about their mental and emotional well-being for fear of being labelled different or unusual. But the truth is a huge percentage of the population will experience a mental health condition at some point or another during their lives. The good news is that nowadays, we are becoming increasingly aware of mental health conditions and their prevalence thanks to people being more open and more money being invested into the scientific and medical research of mental health. Anxiety is a condition that many people face. If you feel you may be suffering from its symptoms, read on. We’ll highlight the basics and give a little advice on how you can alleviate feelings of anxiety in your day to day life!
What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a common mental illness that causes unnecessary feelings of unease, worry, fear or dread. It’s expected that we should feel anxious when we are faced with potential threats and dangers. However, if you suffer from generalised anxiety disorder, you may experience these feelings regardless of the situations you find yourself in.
Health Concerns
Anxiety results in mental trauma, but it can also have a profound impact on your physical health too! Common physical consequences of anxiety include fatigue, weariness, weakness, dizziness, feelings of nausea, sleep problems, digestive issues and even chest pain.
Dealing with Anxiety
If you are concerned that you may be suffering from anxiety, but haven’t been officially diagnosed yet, it’s absolutely essential that you visit a medical professional. Your doctor will be able to determine your condition and refer you on to therapy or recommend medication if necessary. You can then practice self care and other methods alongside your therapy or medication to improve your quality of life. Here are some additional treatments and practices you may want to consider as supplementary care.
CBD is a natural cannabinoid that can help to alleviate or minimise your symptoms of anxiety. You can learn more about this at PearlCBD.
Exercise can set feel good chemicals running in your body. These are generally known as endorphins and physical activity releases them, helping to reduce feelings of stress and enhance feelings of happiness or contentedness.
Take Time Off When You Need
If you are going through a difficult period of mental illness, let your employer know. You may need to take some time off to rest and recover in the same way you would from a physical illness. It’s important you take sufficient time to feel better without stress.
Talking can often make things feel a lot less scary. If you’re anxious, why not reach out to a loved one, a support group, or a helpline? Talking to people as well as your therapist can help to lift a weight from your shoulders.
It really is essential that you make steps towards feeling better if you’re experiencing anxiety. It may be hard, but there is help out there that could change your life!