Just because you’re twenty-something doesn’t mean you don’t have your financial head firmly screwed on. Now that you have a secure career, a good monthly salary and you have managed to pay off your lingering student debt, you may find yourself with disposable income every month. At the moment you are squirreling this extra cash into your savings. However, there’s a niggling voice telling you that this money could be better invested elsewhere to enable you to see more lucrative returns on your excess cash. You’re not wrong. Take a look at this helpful guide to point you in the right investment direction.

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Your Mortgage
It may not sound like an investment but if you’re lucky enough to own your own home, making overpayments on your mortgage means that you’ll end up paying it off a lot quicker. While you may not see lucrative returns as such, you may find that you are mortgage free and own your home outright two, five or maybe even ten years earlier than you expected. This is a massive asset that you can claim much quicker leaving you with even more disposable income to invest at a later date.

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Real Estate
The old adage is that bricks and mortar is the safest investment. If you’re after a long-term investment that isn’t super high risk, real estate is a viable option. You could choose to purchase a property in an up and coming urban area with your client focus being young professionals and long-term leasing. However, you could also take a look at the world of vacation lets. Companies like Chinquapin real estate can guide you through the process of purchasing a property in an established area that already attracts holidaymakers. The maintenance costs may be greater, and you’ll need a greater emphasis on marketing your property, but get it right, and you could have near maximum occupancy every year and secure a much greater rental yield than with a more traditional long-term lease. Just ensure that your income from the rent exceeds your mortgage repayments so you won’t be out of pocket.

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If you’ve always fancied yourself as financially astute and keep up with the nuances of the investment world, you may want to try your hand at a bit of Forex trading. By trading in currencies you are embarking on a more high-risk investment, but naturally, the rewards can be more lucrative. Predicting how foreign currencies will fluctuate takes practice which is why you should set up a free dummy account and ‘pretend’ you are trading with monopoly-esque money. This way you can master the art of trading before you commit to investing your hard-earned cash.
Being young and affluent means that you’re in an incredibly fortunate position. The fact that you’re reading this post shows just how keen you are to invest your money wisely. Follow this advice, and you could find that your money, invested astutely, could go a lot further than you think.