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It’s only 2 weeks until Christmas is upon us, and everyone is probably getting into a bit of a mad scramble trying to have everything ready for the big celebrations. Christmas is one of the best times of the year for spending time with the people you love and having fun with your friends.
One of the most popular types of gifts you can get at this time of year is games. Everyone loves a good game during the festive season- but the type of games we are going to talk about today are video games. There are a huge ton of games which are released each year for different ages and consoles- and we’ve narrow it down to give you some of the best ideas for the gamer in your life this year.
Final Fantasy XV
Be the hero of your own adventure in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire – a game where you can build your kingdom from the ground up, craft and collect items to improve your weapons, feed your men and complete missions for civilians. You will then be tasked with defending the kingdom from evil forces and taking down a whole host of baddies. It’s the perfect game for an adventurer.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Lego games have become a favourite with every age over the past 10 years. Many of you will remember the star wars game and indiana jones which really set lego apart from the rest and catapulted them into video game fame. If you or a family member loves superheroes- this game features the biggest names in the Marvel universe plus some of the less known characters from the original comic books. You’ll be able to fly around, swim, kick butt and have fun fighting the bad guys as a team.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
One of the most anticipated remakes of the year: activision has graced us with the remastered version of crash bandicoot with the original PS1 games brought into the modern day. If your family loved this game when it was out originally then this is the ideal gift for them this christmas.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario kart is one of those games which can either bring the whole family together or create fast enemies. It is addictive, fun and can turn even the most mellow family member into a competitive monster. Have fun on Christmas day after dinner playing this with the whole family. You might have a few arguments but that’s no different to any normal christmas.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokemon is still going, and the games bring with them whole new universes and loads of new faces each time. If you have a family member who loves Pokemon, let them enjoy playing with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon throughout the christmas period.
Call Of Duty: WWII
Call of duty is one of those franchises which you either love or you hate. In recent years the quality of these games have gone down slightly- however many have said that this new installment brings Call of Duty back to the standards it had when it began back in the day. If you have an army-mad family member, this historically set game will be ideal for them.
If you have a family member who loves a good game of football, FIFA 18 is the best place to go. You not only have the teams to manage and tournaments to play: there is also a career mode where you play a young footballer finding his way in the world and working his way up to the top.
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Assassin’s creed is one of the most cleverly made games of all time. The franchise is huge and the games proved so popular that they even turned it into a film last year. However, this game in particular is set to be one of the best in the series. You’ll be in ancient Egypt with what we presume is the first assassin.
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Fans of the series have hailed this one of the best games of all time. So if you know someone who loves these types of games, this is one not to miss.
Horizon Zero Dawn
With stunning graphics and a deep story line: this game is one of the most interesting new additions in the last year to the gaming world. If you know someone who loves the wild and hunting for food in games- then this is the best option for you.