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The house-moving process very much conforms to the adage “when it rains, it pours”. This is because nothing can happen for months as you aim to sell your home and look for suitable properties to move into, but the moment that you do, ten offers might come in, and you only have a month to move into your desired place.
Of course, the parameters that define the timeline of your move can also be rather constricting, especially if you need to find an approved school placement for your child before the new term starts. In some cases, you may find that all of a sudden, you need to move, and you need to move soon.
This shouldn’t cause you to neglect vital planning efforts, such as using a house inspector to verify the condition of the property you want or making an effort to view it again in person before your final offer. However, if all of that is being resolved, and you have a short amount of time to move, we think the following advice could help you most of all:
Find A Suitable Removalist
It’s good to find a suitable removalist that can fulfill your needs as quickly and reliably as possible. With iMOVE you’ll be able to check through many services in your local area to ensure you have the right one. This can help you decide which features you may be looking for as a matter of course, such as making certain expensive items can be packaged and insured properly as your possessions are transported from place to place.
Set A Strict, But Manageable Set Of Deadlines
When you have to move quickly, everything you need to accomplish has a shorter deadline. However, you can achieve more than you think. For instance, you might block out time during one morning to move all of your utility contracts to the new property by a specific date. Then you might spend the afternoon cleaning your house, or notifying your neighbors of the move, or signing off the end documents. Always make sure you dedicate yourself to the tasks of the morning and afternoon, and then you can break up your efforts into chunks that will progress.
Enlist Help From Friends, Family & Services
Enlisting help from your friends, family, and services can help limit the load at a time when intensive effort is required. For instance, you might use self-storage services to throw your most expensive items into an area of complete security at a time when you’re rushing around your home trying to pack everything. Asking a family member to look after your children when you need to go and visit/prepare the new property can be a big helper, if only for an afternoon. Moreover, you may ask a friend to help you with the drive, or to look over your house with you to make sure you haven’t left anything (and left the stove on) after you leave. That might sound simple, but these efforts really will matter.
With this advice, you’re sure to plan a quick, impromptu house move, without feeling too stressed out.