It’s All About Giving Back

Any successful small business will know that being a part of the local community is essential. You need their support if you hope to get ahead with your company as, believe it or not, the local community can have a huge impact on your small business. If you can pick up right away that you can use the local community to your advantage, then you’ll be able to compete with the big dogs in the same industry you are in.

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It can be a challenge to squeeze in any more than you already do into your day, and while you probably already have door-to-door fundraisers going for a local charity with a company like Global Faces Direct, you need to think about how you can give back to the locals around you. Doing good deeds are necessary in your business if you want to be looked upon favourably by the community. So, with that in mind, here are some of the best ways that you can give back to your local community and spread the word about who you are.

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Promotion. You may be a business in the local community, but you aren’t the only small business out there. Making a point of helping out the other local businesses by promoting their brand on your website, your social media and even in your physical offices by having business cards to hand will work well in two ways. Firstly, you’ll be able to reach new people and you’ll link up with business owners such as yourself.

Participation. You’ll notice, as a small business, that there is a lot going on in a small community. Holiday food drives, bake sales, summer fairs and all to raise money for the community as a whole. You need to participate, put your hand into the budget and donate your time and your staffing to get involved. Yes, it will cost something in the budget, but it’ll also help you raise more sales.

Sponsorship. It may not always be the case that you have your time to give, but you can spare some budget and sponsor an event. Marathons and running events are widely available and you can sponsor a runner – especially if you are sponsoring a member of your own company to run! It’s a fun way to show your support and give back to the local community.

Volunteer. You are a business, which means you are skilled at doing something for the world around you and you’re good at it. Volunteering your time and your skills to a local cause can be a great way to drum up a little PR in the local papers and radio and it can also be a part of your giving back. Being able to do something for others is amazing, it’s just a bonus that you’ll get more exposure for it.

Your small business is a vital part of your community and it’s so important for you to show your support to the residents and give it back to them where you can.

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Avoid These Habits To Keep Your Mental Health In Check

Being vigilant about your mental health is more important than ever because our stressful work lives make it more likely for you to suffer. In the past, mental health issues were considered quite rare but now that we’ve learned to recognize them a lot better, it’s become clear that so many people are suffering. Recent figures suggest that around one quarter of people will experience some kind of mental health problem in their lives. That’s why it’s so important that we live a healthy lifestyle and avoid habits that increase the chances of developing mental health issues. These are some of the habits that can make things a lot worse for you if you’re already struggling with your mental health.

Lack Of Sleep


When you sleep, your body and mind repairs themselves but if you’re not giving it that chance, you’ll end up with a whole host of health problems, both physical and mental. Not having enough sleep saps your motivation and increases your chance of developing problems with anxiety and depression. You need to get into a good routine and try to get to sleep at roughly the same time every night. Avoid using your phone or laptop or the repetidor wifi late at night as well because it makes it harder for you to get to sleep.

Excessive Drinking


People often use alcohol as a stress reliever which can lead to serious problems. Excessive drinking has been linked to depression and people suffering with mental health issues often use alcohol as a way of managing those feelings, creating a vicious cycle. It can quickly sneak up on you and become a problem without you realizing. If you think that your drinking may be out of control, you should consider going to a health recovery centre to deal with it. If you let it spiral out of control, things will get a lot worse.

Too Much Social Media

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Comparing yourself to others all the time can make you feel bad about yourself which is why using too much social media can lead to mental health problems. Studies show that it can seriously impact your self esteem and give you unreasonable ideas about what your life should be like. Constantly looking at other people’s posts and convincing yourself that their life is better than yours will only damage your mental wellbeing. But the thing is, people aren’t posting an accurate picture of their lives online, they’re just showing you the best bits and they’ve got all the same problems that you have. The other problem is that, even though you may feel as though you’re connecting with people, you aren’t making valuable human connections. Substituting real human interaction with social media can quickly leave you feeling isolated and make mental health problems a lot worse. You don’t have to swear off social media completely but don’t take everything you see at face value and try not to spend too much time looking at it every day.

Breaking these habits can help you to keep your mental health in check and avoid any serious problems.

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5 Laser Hair Removal Myths You Should Stop Believing

There are about as many myths about ridding yourself of body hair as there are methods of removing it in the first place. Often, the information you’ll find is confusing at best and conflicting at worst. Is laser hair removal for you and can this makeover treatment do you any good? Below, we separate the fiction from facts:

Myth 1: Laser hair removal causes the hair to grow back faster and denser.

How fast your hair grows back, as well as how thick or coarse it is, is pre-determined by your genes. This means that regardless of the method you’ve used to remove the hair, it will always come back at the same rate. People believe this myth because untouched body hair lies flat, soft, and thin; a stark contrast to freshly shaved hair with blunted ends, which feels courser against the surface of the skin.

Laser hair removal should cause a marked reduction of hair growth, anywhere between 10% and 25%. There should also be a visible reduction in the density and thickness of the hair when it grows back, as well as a decreased rate of growth for every successive session. The hair that does grow back should be much finer and lighter than before, meaning that problematic areas won’t bother you as much when the hair does start growing back.

Myth 2: Laser hair removal lasts forever.

While it is a highly effective method of getting rid of unwanted body hair, laser hair removal isn’t permanent. However, it does drastically reduce hair growth, and as stated above, the hair that does grow back is thinner and much finer. After a point, it will become unnecessary for you to pick up a razor ever again, so long as you are able to complete your recommended number of treatments faithfully. This means going in for a sitting up to 12 times to fully realize the effects, though around 6 to 8 sessions is enough to notice a visible reduction.
Laser energy is used to damage the follicles in the growing phase, and several treatments are needed to get all of them. Depending on the hair type and your genes, certain people may require more treatments to fully rid themselves of hair.

Myth 3: Laser hair removal only works on a certain skin or hair color.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about laser hair removal only being effective on those with light skin and dark hair. While this used to be true, the technology has advanced enough that people of all colors and hair types can now avail of laser hair removal and achieve the same results. However, it may take light haired, fair-skinned individuals a few more treatments for the lasers to get the work done. You’ll want to consult with a professional about this to determine how many sessions it’ll take for you personally, as it can vary from person to person.

Myth 4: Laser hair removal can burn the skin.

It’s actually very rare for the machines used in laser hair removal to cause burns. It depends on the condition of your skin, as darker-skinned individuals may be more at risk for this. That’s why it’s important to talk to a medical professional before undergoing any sort of aesthetic treatment. Listen to their advice and take any pre- and post-treatment medication you may be prescribed.

Myth 5: Laser hair removal is extremely painful.

How painful the treatment will be largely depends on which tool is used – there are many different kinds! Ask your aesthetician for a list of options and inform yourself well on each one, especially if you have a particularly low tolerance.

The pain level can vary for different people: some treatments are virtually painless, while others have reported to feeling a mildly uncomfortable pinprick sensation. Others still report a manageable amount of discomfort – certainly less than waxing, for example. You can rest assured that your aesthetician will do everything within their power to make the process as comfortable as possible for you, so don’t be afraid to speak up. Furthermore, laser treatments get progressively less painful as the hair becomes finer, so you can just grit your teeth until the worst has passed, for lasting hairless comfort.

Again, it’s very important to consult with a medical professional and educate yourself about laser hair removal prior to signing up for a series of treatments. This way, you can properly set your expectations and clear any misgivings you may have about it.

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THE BIG C: Can Cancer Be Prevented?

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Statistically, one in every two people will get cancer in their lifetime. This is a shocking and frightening statistic, guaranteed to worry all of us. Understandably, the question ‘can cancer be prevented?’ is something many of us will have asked ourselves. The answer is both ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ which we appreciate is not very helpful, but read on.

Who is likely to develop cancer?

There are some people at higher risk of developing cancer than others. The following groups of people are most susceptible.

  • People who work in a high-risk environment, such as those working with cancer-causing substances, such as asbestos. As you will have seen on the media, there has been a massive demand for the best lawyers for asbestos exposure victims, especially for those who weren’t made aware of the dangers of this deadly substance in their workplace.
  • There is some research to suggest that the gene pool is also an overriding factor in developing the disease. After inheriting damaged DNA from their parents, the risks of cancers such as breast and ovarian have been increased. Despite the added risk, however, scientists have discovered only 2 or 3 people out of every 100 are in danger of cancer because of their faulty genes. There have also been advances in technology designed to alter the genes to make cancer less likely.
  • Lifestyle choices can also increase the risk of cancer. Sun-worshippers are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer because of the sun’s UV rays. Those who smoke tobacco are at risk of developing lung cancer. Then there is the debate around obesity, with some studies suggesting extra body fat and unhealthy eating plays a part in some cancers.

While the above categories place you in a higher risk of getting cancer, there is still the chance of cancer developing in those who aren’t recognized as being ‘high-risk.’ There have been cases of people developing lung cancer, for example, despite never having smoked a cigarette in their lives. So, while there is no cast-iron way to fully prevent cancer, there is still the need to take the appropriate measures to reduce the risk.

Preventative measures

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Some of these are common sense, especially when considering some of the points made above. Preventative measures include:

  • Avoiding tobacco completely, be you somebody who smokes or chews the acrid substance. Smoking is a proven factor of lung cancer, and chewing has been linked to mouth and pancreatic cancer. Admittedly, giving up on smoking is difficult, as with any addictive substance, but your doctor or pharmacist should be able to advise you on specific products to help you with your cravings if this is something relevant to you.
  • Change your diet. Some foods have been found to increase the chances of cancer, and so by avoiding these foods, no matter how tempting, you are putting yourself in less danger. Remembering too, that obesity could lead to cancer, it is also important to avoid overeating and foods that are guaranteed to pile on the pounds. Healthier foods should always be the best option then, including fruits and vegetables, while processed foods and even alcohol should be cut down in your weekly shop.
  • Engage in physical activity more often. This is a guaranteed way to beat the dangers of obesity, and specific cancers, such as breast and colon that are prevalent amongst those who don’t exercise enough. Of course, there are all kinds of other health benefits associated with exercise, so we need to cut back on the excuses for not keeping fit on a regular basis.
  • Protect yourself from skin cancer by taking preventative measures when out in the sun. This includes wearing the appropriate level sun lotions, covering exposed areas of the skin with light clothing, and staying in the shade on particularly hot days. You should also be aware of the harmful effects of UV rays from other sources, such as sunlamps and tanning beds. Avoid them or limit the time you spend trying to bronze your skin.
  • See your doctor regularly. Regular screenings can discover the signs of cancer early, making the disease more treatable. Your doctor will also give you advice on your lifestyle choices, answer your questions about the disease, and advise you on preventable tactics. You should also take any immunizations on offer, especially if you are at risk of sexually-transmitted diseases, as STDs have been linked to certain kinds of cancer, such as anal and lung cancer.

The answer to cancer

Can cancer be prevented? Yes and no, but hopefully one day, a cure will be found to eliminate the disease entirely. Until then, your first course of action should be to follow the preventative measures we mentioned to reduce the risk of cancer in your life. Continue your research online and speak to your doctor who will advise you further.

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6 Signs You’re Not Quite As Young As You Once Were

There aren’t too many things in life that are a sure thing, but we can say two with a reasonable degree of certainty: you’ll have to pay tax, and you won’t be able to stay young forever. There have been some people in history who have tried to slow down or halt the passing of time, but without success. Even now, there are some billionaires out there funding the research. We all want to stay young and beautiful forever! But when do you know when you’ve officially crossed the threshold, and can no longer be classified as young? We take a look at some telltale signs below.


Moaning About The Youth

If you from time to time find yourself muttering the phrases “kids these days…” then there are two things you should know: you’re joining a long list of people (they’ve been saying this phrase for hundreds of years!), and you’re probably getting to the point where you’re more of a wider older man or woman (even if you’re only twenty-five…!) than you are a spring chicken. It’s worth keeping in mind that not everything the youth are doing is terrible…though some of it unquestionably is.

Your Clothing Style

When we’re young, we all want to look our best, and we’re willing to make a pretty big sacrifice – our comfort – to make it happen. But there comes a time when we’re less concerned with how we look, and all we want to do is feel comfortable. If you’ve suddenly found yourself more than OK with running to the shop in whatever clothes you can find, then you’re probably in the older crowd. But hey, this isn’t all bad news – being OK with not always wearing the latest fashions is a sign of maturity.

Skin and Hair Issues

You might be able to mask your aging by wearing young clothes, listening to hip music, and so on, but you can’t find what’s going on with your body. But while your skin may look a little older, and you may have a need for hair growth shampoo or hair dye, there are things you can do. Protect your skin from premature aging by avoiding spending too much time in the sun, having a robust moisturizing regime, and avoiding excessive alcohol. For your hair, there are always those shampoos, and using hair dye gives you an opportunity to try out a new color!

You’re Feeling Tired

When you’re eighteen, it feels like you could go out all night, and then work all day, and then return home and do the whole thing all over again. By the time you reach your mid-twenties, those days are a thing of the past. If you’re feeling tired after a day of work and a few hours of socializing, then there’s nothing to be overly concerned with – you’re just a little bit older! If you don’t like this feeling, then don’t settle for it. Doing things like yoga, avoiding foods and drinks that make you tired, or even having a cold shower can give the energy boost you need to make it through the day.

You’re Less Active

Ah, to be a child, forever running around with your friends, playing sports, and spending hours on the playground. We were always moving! Fast forward a couple of decades, and you could say that the opposite is true. We’re sitting down more than we’re standing up! But it doesn’t have to be this way. We just have to force ourselves to sit less and move more. Find an activity you like, or cycle to work – it’ll do wonders. If an eighty-year-old can climb Everest, you can get up off the couch.

What’s Hip?

“I used to be with ‘it,’ but then they changed what ‘it’ was,” so says Abe in The Simpsons. And it’s true; when we’re young, we’re kind of intuitively plugged into all the cool bands, sayings, and everything else that makes up popular culture. When we’re older? It’s all like a foreign language. But actually, being plugged in isn’t so difficult. If you read a few of the popular online magazines, you’ll have a general feel for the zeitgeist, and hey – some of it really is very good!

The Ultimate Weapon: Your Attitude

In the end, you can’t stop growing older, but you can retain your youth – in your mind! If you have a young attitude, then you’ll always be able to stay young. Remember, some people are old at twenty-five, some people are young at sixty-five…!

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First Impressions Count. Here’s How To Boost Yours

Everyone who works in the world of business will tell you how important it is to make a great first impression when you have clients come to your office. You want to be able to show off your business in the way that you view it. You wouldn’t wear a trash bag to an important meeting, so it’s highly unlikely that you would want to trash your office with second-rate furniture and mismatched décor to make the wrong impression on your clients.

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First impressions last longer than you think, and you don’t want your clients to think about your business with a sour face. You want them to remember you for the bright, coordinated furniture in the office that match your logo. You want them to remember the spectacular window graphic printing on the glass dividers in the office that advertise your services in a professional way. An impressive office space doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive or consistent with the current office trends, but it does need to be neat, tidy and bright. The good news is that making your workspace as professional as possible isn’t all that hard! Check out how you can create the best first impression possible with your office below:

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Cleaning your office is going to be a priority for you. Hiring in a good cleaning company that ensures that after hours, your business is straightened out, is important. Keeping the desks clutter-free is a must, but keeping the carpets shampooed and plush is just as important. You wouldn’t want to walk into an office of threadbare carpets, so don’t let your clients do the same.

Lighting is a big deal for offices that are overshadowed by other buildings around it. A dim light can make an entire office look cheap and rundown without much effort. Either invest in an office space with a lot of natural light flooding through, or swap out the light bulbs for a better, lighter space with clean lines.

The vibe of the office is just as important as whether you have clean floors and desks. You need to be uniform in the office layout, but maybe not in every aspect. Your waiting room furniture, for example, could be a mismatched array of plump and inviting sofas. This type of eclectic look makes you look down to earth as a company.

Upgrading your technology will make a massive impression. Imagine trying to run a marketing business with the technology equipment of yesterday? It just doesn’t work. Your staff should be seen to be working with the latest and greatest technology so that people are impressed by your ability to keep up with the times.

Your office space has to be one that people WANT to revisit. They need to come back and remember why you make such an impact in your industry. Check out what the competition are doing and make a point of doing what you want to do, while doing better than them all at the same time.

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Top tips for improving your business profile

No matter the size of your company, whether you are just starting out and work from home, or are part of a larger team for a multinational organization, if you feel that your external marketing efforts are just not paying off, then it could be time to review how you can boost your business profile for good. Remember, the future and success of your firm hang on having a strong and forward-thinking business profile, positioning you ahead of the game and as a go-to company within your operating market. So, even if you are only starting out, there are still a few simple tricks that you can use to help boost your business profile.

Use social media

If you have not already woken up to the benefits of social media for your business and your brand identity as a whole, then you need to make a serious change to your current marketing strategy. The beauty of social media is that you can instantly share news, content and even photos or fun information from your firm, which means that it is up to you as to how you want to position your company. From articles and blog posts to highlight new product launches or even recruiting your own team of online brand ambassadors who take to social media to share and review your products, make the most of social media, and you will notice the impact on your business profile.

Stand out from the crowd

If you are looking to improve your business profile, but feel that your efforts are not being noticed, then the sad reality is that you may not be creating content that is unique enough. When it comes to engaging with new online followers or upping your visitors to your company website for example, then it is crucial that you get creative to ensure that you stand out from the busy crowd. If you are promoting a new release or movie, then consider using a movie poster maker to help you create a truly unique marketing tool that can be shared, downloaded and printed. Make sure that you are not afraid to try out new layouts and work with your in-house team to help you channel those new ideas into your future projects. Stand out from the crowd, and you will see your profile soar.

If you are looking to improve your business profile, but feel that you are not getting the results that your company needs to grow and attract new followers, or even talent, then it is time to make a change for the better. Embrace social media so that you can share relevant information and fun facts, to help your firm quickly become recognized as the go-to in your business market. Make sure that you get creative and do not be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Remember that improving your business profile will take time and effort, but if you start as you mean to go on, then you will notice the results in just a few weeks.

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