Super Cool Bluetooth Gadgets

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication between two pieces of technology. Like your phone and your headphones for example. Over the years there have been more applications, and it’s not just for phones and computers anymore.

Fun fact: Ericsson actually created Bluetooth in 1994, but in recent years it has grown exponentially, and there are more cool gadgets to explore than ever.

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Future Fun

Did you ever watch Back To The Future and fall a little bit in love with the cool futuristic trainers and the hoverboards of course. Well, you can now get Bluetooth hoverboards – and those trainers too. The SRX is an ultra cool hoverboard with Bluetooth speaker, self-balancing mode and speakers. The ultra in hipster fun.

Nothing Lost

Tile has been keeping people’s keys safe and sound for the last couple of years. Your phone can track the Tile and help you keep tabs on stuff. This little gadget works on keys, USB sticks and pretty much anything else you can loop it on to.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Swapping headphones that plug into your phone for either buds or wireless headphones are more common now. Wires can get caught, tangled and are a little bit annoying – so if you can swap ti wireless the do it! You can get a range of prices from £/$9 up to the hundreds depending on what you wanna spend.

Sporty Spice

Nike launched (and subsequently dropped) a line of smart shoes that send signals from the trainer to your mobile phone, so you can track jumps, calories, speed and more. You can still grab a pair on eBay and a few other sites, and actually, if you are looking for a way to track some simple stats, then there are great.

Lock It

There are a few convenient Bluetooth lock systems. One being the Lockitron, which has Bluetooth remote access – a failed Kickstarter project, but nonetheless, the founder raised 2.2 million to get it off the ground.

Second is the Goji smart lock. It’s a clever little gadget that detects your Bluetooth fob and will open sesame. But, of course, it only works for the person with the fob and comes with a set of mechanicals keys too. You are able to send virtual keys for people who might need access, and it even sends you pictures and videos.

Road Worthy

The Garmin HUD+ is a very cool piece of kit. It has a heads-up display that is projected onto your windscreen. It feeds off a Bluetooth enabled phone that has to be running the Garmin HUD app. This smart little thing means you don’t need to glance down to check ETA, speed, lane guidance, and more.

Of course, there are so many more exciting uses for Bluetooth technology, but some of the best gadgets are on this list. From finding keys to locking away valuables and letting you know it’s the third right after the roundabout. Isn’t technology cool!

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Self Care: Little Ways To Look After Yourself

Lives seem to be getting busier and more hectic; it’s no secret that burning the candle at both ends, can lead to stress, fatigue, and an array of other mental and physical health conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to a fulfilled and successful life, to strike a balance between all of those commitments you have. Fortunately, if you’re prepared to take a step back, and look at your current lifestyle; there are always ways you can improve things, and ensure that self care becomes part of your fresh routine. It’s not about giving-up anything you love doing; it’s just about ensuring that all you do is beneficial to your well-being and happiness, overall.

Acts of self-care are ways to check-in with yourself so that you can rest, recover, and assess how you’re doing. They can come in all sorts of ways, adn are often simple ways to ensure that you’ve made yourself a priority. Whether it’s a particular activity, learning to embrace saying certain things or doing things, or a set amount of time that you set aside each day to try a variety of things; you’ll never regret utilizing some time out to be calm and to take care of yourself and well-being. The following are some ideas, inspiration, and advice, for busy women who need to take better care of themselves, and don’t want to sacrifice what they find important to a happy life.

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Little Health Checks That Make A Big Difference

So many people avoid any sort of healthcare check-ups and appointments. However, ignoring those symptoms, or powering through with life when you’re not quite right, will lead to any health concerns becoming far worse than needed. Booking into see a healthcare professional, as soon as you feel that something isn’t right, is the most literal and effective way to implement your self care. You can reward yourself with a trip to your favorite cafe, or to see a movie afterwards (more ways to take care of yourself), so it doesn’t feel like any sort of ordeal; actually, you could make it a trip to look forward to.

Whether you need to get your throat checked, book in for some ear cleaning, or sort out that annoying wisdom tooth; book to see a reputable professional as soon as you can. You’ll only come away feeling proud of yourself, and with the right advice or treatment so that you’re a picture of great health again. Making sure that your as physically healthy as you can be, will have a positive impact on your mood and demeanor each day. Gaining that extra pep in your step will ensure that your mind is clear, and each morning feels like a fresh start so that you can make the most of each day ahead.

Learning To Say No To Others And Yes To Yourself

So much of what people do is out of a sense of duty, habit, or just because they feel like there’s not another option. However, when it comes to non-essential activities and events, that wear you out, or don’t give you a boost; it’s time to assess your response to them. You’re able to refuse plans that don’t excite you, and stay-in or do something different, that will make you feel much better. Swapping after-work drinks, to stay in and enjoy a book or bubble bath (or both), is far more likely to enrich your week, and ensure that you have plenty of energy left to do the things you really want to.

Stop feeling guilty about saying no to plans and people that make you feel run-down, tired, and drained. They simply aren’t worth it. It will take some time to change these habits, but, if you make a conscience effort to make the changes more regularly; they’ll just become a part of your habits and way of thinking. You can use that free time to enjoy whatever it is that allows you to switch-off, and let the stresses of life ebb away.

Enjoying The Simple Things More

Fresh air, nourishing food, and quality time with those who lift your spirits, are all excellent ways to invest in your self care. Therefore, make sure that you incorporate more of these simple pleasures (and life essentials) into your everyday routine. Take an extra five minutes to stand and look in the garden each morning as you drink your coffee, notice the little acts of kindness people are doing, and make the most of those simple things more. Each time you do, you’ll be giving your mood and mental health a much-needed boost, to help you get through that busy week.

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The Pressure Zone: Keeping Calm In Demanding Situations

Throughout history, the ability to remain calm and collected, even in the face of a great threat, has always been a valued trait for someone to have. Making it far easier to work in a host of roles, it’s always worth pushing yourself to ensure that you are being as brave as you can be. Of course, though, this isn’t always the easiest approach to take. To help you out with it, this post will be exploring some of the work which can go into keeping calm when you find yourself in a demanding situation. As time goes on, this will only get easier and easier.

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This sort of process will always have to start with a little bit of learning. Even if you’ve had to deal with tricky situations before, it makes sense to start from a position of a complete novice. This way, you will avoid missing out on anything important, while also making yourself feel more confident when you find that you’ve already been going down the right track. The sort of learning you do depends on your current position. Ideally, being able to learn from someone else is the best way to go through something like this.

It doesn’t have to stop with the people around you, though, and you can always looks for further tuition in this area. Emergency management diplomas are great for those who want to be able to run a business or act as a manager. Not only do they teach you how to handle emergency situations, but they will also strengthen your ability to think on your feet and get things done quickly. As time goes on, having these skills will only become more and more critical, especially as businesses of all sizes are having to deal with increasingly complex challenges.

As the last bit of learning it can be worth doing, getting a better grip on the field which you’re part of can be an excellent way to make yourself feel more confident. Taking a short online course is the best way to achieve something like this. Of course, though, this will only be worth it if you haven’t studied much in the past, as you will be learning the same things over and over, otherwise. It’s surprising how much you can learn when you go to school rather than teaching yourself.


When it comes to something like stress and pressure, learning how to deal with things which make a situation hard is best done through experience. When you make mistakes, you will remember what you’ve done for the future, and this will open the doors to handling the same thing better. Of course, you can work to create a safe environment for this in your current role, all by building simple hypothetical situations and having others rate how you would deal with them. This is only the start, though, and you can often take this much further.

With businesses all over the world recognising the importance of being able to remain calm when the heat is on, more and more specialised training centers are opening which are designed to help people to understand stress. Playing a game of football in extreme weather conditions is a great example of this, as it will teach you how to make decisions when you have a lot of other things distracting you. Stress is often a simple collection of small issues which are weighing down on you, making it can easy emotion to control with the right time and effort.


There are few situations in life which will leave you completely vulnerable. As long as you do the work beforehand, protecting yourself against chaos can often be as simple as signing up for the right service. In the case of an injured customer, for example, having the right insurance in place would ensure that you company could help the person, without having to risk losing money in court. When you find yourself in a position which forces you to choose between keeping yourself safe or doing the right thing, it will be hard to deal with the pressure you feel.

Taking this further is a simple matter of looking for some people to help you, and this will become essential if you’re running a growing business. Legal support comes in loads of shapes and sizes, nowadays, with some companies offering far more affordable support than you used to be able to get through traditional means. Having someone on hand to offer advice when you find yourself in a scary position can be utterly invaluable. Of course, though, it will be worth reading some reviews before you choose who you’d like to work with.

Staying Calm

A lot of the time, we find that pressure builds and we become increasingly stressed in situations we perceive as stressful because we don’t stay calm. Now, there are multiple ways you can tackle this. You can practice breathing exercises. You can reassure yourself. You can try out calming products, such as CBD oils – you can find CBD oil reviews from High Times if this is something you’re interested in trying out yourself! But what’s most important is simply taking a step back and analysing the situation. Is there really anything to fear? What’s really the worst that can happen? Generally speaking, things going wrong wouldn’t be all too bad. So, do your best to avoid worrying about it!


Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about the way that you look at yourself in all of this. When you’ve had to face challenges in the past and failed, it can be easy to assume that you’re doomed to keep going down the same route. If you fall into this trap, though, you will never be able to overcome the issues you face, and this makes it crucial that you feel self-confident. This will come very naturally for some people, though you may find that you have to work a little harder.

One of the best ways to achieve this is through a little bit of acting. By forcing yourself to pretend that you are confident, especially in social situations, you will slowly build then necessary habits and mannerisms to convince yourself that you’re nice and brave. While this may sound like a simple approach, it has worked for people for hundreds of years, and is one of the only ways to move yourself from feeling shy to being able to talk to anyone.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of keeping calm when the pressure is on. A lot of people struggle with this sort of work, finding it hard to know how to make themselves into a more confident person. As time goes on, though, this sort of skill could prove very important in your personal and professional lives, making it worth putting some time into it.

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5 Must-Have Apple TV Apps: Best Picks for Your Home Theater Experience

The latest enhancements in the live streaming and application-based TV and movie viewing facilities in the Apple TV nowadays make users happy beyond doubt. If you wish to get a good improvement in the entertainment time, then you can explore the overall specifications of your Apple TV at first. Individuals who explore the applications associated with the Apple TV can make a good decision and enhance various aspects of the amusement further. They may get confused with these apps in different categories like the shopping and games. They can focus on every feature in the app accessible via Apple TV and start their step to improve the overall leisure time.

Movies & TV

Fans of movie and TV show related entertainment these days wish to explore, compare and narrow down Apple TV apps. They can focus on every element of the PlayStation Vue right now. As the first live TV streaming service to get integrated with the application of the Apple TV in October 2018, PlayStation Vue lets users to see their favorite shows as convenient as possible. Users of this app on their Apple TV get 100% entertainment as expected. They get the complete access to the sports games airing through the Vue from their TV application. They feel satisfied because they view the best-in-class programs in the entertainment category. They are confident to recommend this Apple TV app because the ideal live TV streaming service.

Movies anywhere is a service which lets you to successfully link multiple accounts for buying digital movies and watch movies with TV headphones online from any location at any time. ITunes of Apple supports this service and makes all users happier than ever. All users of this app can conveniently watch a movie and get 100% satisfaction from regular updates of this app. They buy movies in their favorite categories and watch such movies one after another. They access and watch a personal film collection in the cloud based on their interests to spend the leisure time.


Sport enthusiasts all through the world wish to focus on the complete details about the Apple TV apps in the sports category. They can take note of the honest reviews of the ESPN app formerly known as WatchESPN. As a no-brainer for sports fans with a subscription to the streaming, satellite or cable service featuring the network. The MultiCast in this app is one of the most outstanding elements to make this app popular and satisfy all users. Every user of the multicast app can stream up to four live events at once as expected. They are happy to keep an eye on various games devoid of heading to the sports bar. They can get sports center fix when they pay for an additional ESPN + account.

News and weather

Reuters TV is the best news app and known by its successful records in recent times. Every user of this app gets the highest possible convenience to access many minutes of news. If you have five to thirty minutes of time to listen to the current news on your Apple TV, then you can make use of this app. You will be happy because an instant access to the news before morning commutes.

The complete details about the news and weather apps associated with the Apple TV on online these days assist all beginners to immediately choose and use one of these apps without any doubt. Do not forget to clarify your doubt about anything related to this genre of apps before accessing one of these apps.

Music and radio

Music related Apple TV apps in recent times get the maximum recognition and make users happier than ever. Though individuals subscribe the music related services like Spotify and Apple Music, they can get different benefits from using the Apple TV music app Pandora. Users of this app are willing to make a custom radio station and listen to music in their favorite genre. They feel comfortable as ads-free service and tired paid subscriptions.

Health and fitness

Users of the Apple TV of every age group these days explore how to improve their health and fitness further. They use and recommend the Sworkit: Workouts & Plans at this time. Unique elements of this Apple TV make it popular and satisfy every user. This app assists its users to plan a workout night for the whole family. Members of the family can add some exercises and exercise as a group day after day. They can choose and customize the exercise programs range from the beginners to the exercises to seasoned workout veterans. Though this Apple TV app is free, it requires subscription for entire access to its content. A 30-day free trial at this time encourages many users of the Apple TV to appraise the real worth of using it and start a step to be fit further.

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Beginners Budgeting Basics

An awful lot of us are bad with money. When we’ve got it, we spend it. We accept credit cards when they are offered, and increase our limits when we can. We put things on credit because it’s easy, and even when we can afford to buy something outright, we take the finance option so that we don’t feel the loss.

If you’ve got a significant income, this can be fine. If you’ve got enough money that you can spend without worrying, you won’t get into trouble financially. But, it’s still a mistake. You won’t ever have savings, you might eventually need credit cards for bad credit because you are out of options, and you’ll struggle to make large purchases like buying a house. Then, one day you’ll realise that you’ve got nothing out aside for your retirement, and your options decrease further.

If you live paycheck to paycheck it’s even worse. Failure to take responsibility for your money can mean that you spend much more than you can afford to. Getting into debt is all too easy, and soon your debts can start to mount, making it impossible to get out. You can quickly find that by simply being bad with money, your options are vastly reduced, your debts have skyrocketed and your financial situation is dire. This won’t just affect you now. Severe damage to your credit score can mean that your future prospects are limited, and it can seem impossible to see a way out of your mess.

Fortunately, whatever your situation currently looks like, it’s never too late to make changes. The first should be learning to budget. Here are some tips to help you get started.

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Take Responsibility and Change Your Mindset

Yes, it’s easy to get into debt. Banks, loan companies and credit card companies are always offering you credit. When you make a large purchase, the offer of credit is there. If you’ve already got loans, credit cards and overdrafts, the companies will always want to find ways to give you more. This is how they make money. As someone with debt, you’re an ideal customer, they can make more from you.

But, this isn’t an excuse. Just because it’s easy to get into debt, doesn’t mean that you have to. Stop thinking “it’s ok, I’ll put it on credit” and start asking yourself “can I afford it right now?” And sometimes more importantly “do I need it?”. If you want to be better at budgeting, you first need to take responsibility and change your attitudes towards money, sometimes going against everything that society is telling you.

Assess Your Situation

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Are you guilty of avoiding bills and statements when you know it’s not good? You’re not alone. Most of us have at some point put an unopened statement straight into the bin. It’s even easier now that so many of us have gone paperless. Deleting emails or avoiding online accounts is easy.

But, it’s not going to help. Sure, short term, looking at your bills and statements might be upsetting and cause you worry and anxiety. But, long-term, it’s the only way to help yourself to make things better. You’ll also struggle to budget without really knowing what is going on in those accounts.

Free up a morning, or an afternoon. Sit down with a cup of coffee and no distractions. Print out your most recent bank statements and bills. Look at what you’ve got and what you owe. Take your time to really look into your financial situation. This is often the most crucial step in creating a budget and getting on top of any financial problems that you might have.

Organise Your Debts

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Few of us that are in debt only have one. You might have store cards, credit cards, loans and overdrafts. These debts aren’t all equal, and sometimes, the smaller debts are actually costing you the most money, so don’t assume that these are the best.

Now that you are aware of what you owe write a list. Write down every debt, its amount, its minimum repayment and its interest rates or fees. Look at how much each debt is costing you each month, how long it will take to repay at your current levels of repayment and how much it will cost you in total over its lifetime. By now, you should be able to see which debts are costing you the most money.

If any are interest and fee free, put them at the bottom on your list, but take note of how long that interest-free period will last, so you know when you will start to pay for them.

Find Ways to Decrease Debt

Then, it’s time to find ways to decrease these debts. Balance transfers are a great idea if you are eligible for an interest-free period and you can get the card. Debt consolidation loans are another great option, as the interest rates are much lower than credit cards and all your debts can move to one place. Just remember that even if you can only transfer a small amount of your money to an interest-free account, it’s worth doing as it will save you money.

If you are moving money like this, make a note of when that interest-free period ends. Try to pay off the debt before then, and if you can’t look at moving it again.

If these aren’t options for you, look at your accounts with the lowest interest and see if you could move debt from a higher interest account. When it comes to repayments, remember, even a little bit more than the minimum will help.

Prepare a Spreadsheet

Now you are in control of your debts. You understand your money. You need to actually build your budget. Prepare a simple spreadsheet and add everything. Add your income from wages and benefits as well as any other money that regularly comes into your account. Then, add all of your outgoings. Start with things that you have to pay each month, like rent and utilities. Then, add things that you often purchase, money towards holidays and luxuries, debt repayment, savings and luxuries. The more you include and the more accurate you can be, the more helpful your budget starts to become. Once a month sit down and look at your budget and your finances, make any changes that are necessary, don’t just assume that your budget will stay the same.

Find Ways to Save

You’ve taken control of your debts, you are making repayments, and you’ve got a budget. So now you can spot ways to save more easily. Look at those outgoings on your budget for any easy ways to save. Any contracts that you could cancel or reduce. Then, spend some time checking to see if you could make savings by switching providers.

Things like meal planning, writing shopping lists, shopping sales, preparing for holidays and events in advance and using less gas and electricity at home can also be a big help.

Set Financial Goals

Setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself. If you’ve got debts, your first goals should be about paying them off. If not, start to focus on saving money. Try to have a long-term goal, like saving for a mortgage or paying off a credit card, and then break it down into monthly or weekly targets to help you to stay on track.

Be Realistic

Setting goals that you can’t manage can be demotivating. Push yourself but make sure you’re goals and realistic and you’ll have much greater success.

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Why a Portable Pocket Wifi Might Keep You Sane in Japan

Japan remains a tech giant, despite having been hit by a generations-long economic recession. It has some of the best internet infrastructure in the world, and it’s had it for longer than most countries in the world. That said, it’s critical to consider how you plan to stay connected when traveling or living in Japan.

While you can just use your mobile provider’s roaming service, we highly recommend you rent pocket wifi in Japan, or arrange for one to be delivered to you as soon as you arrive at the airport. There are several compelling reasons you’d rather rent a portable pocket wifi device than consider the alternatives, especially if you’re not planning to live in Japan for over a year.

Here are just a few reasons you should get a portable wifi device on your next trip.

Free wifi access is difficult to find

In contrast to most other developed countries, you won’t find reliable free wifi at most train stations and malls. When these are available, usually at hotels, they’re usually quite inconsistent due to the sheer number of people who may be using that connection. Having a pocket wifi device on hand makes it a snap to get connected wherever you may be.

You’ll find it easier to travel

Maps, street signs, and other important directions in Japan are of course, in hiragana and katakana. If you don’t have a good grasp of Japanese, it’s all too easy to get lost. This isn’t helped by the fact they also have an unusual map and address system that may vary depending on where you are. With a pocket wifi, you will spend more time at your intended location and less time getting lost.

There are no Offline Google Maps in Japan

In the Japanese market, Google does not allow the offline use of Google Maps, among many other things. Apple Maps also has its issues as well. With a ready internet connection, this problem becomes moot and it becomes incredibly simple to navigate around the country – particularly around the Japanese transit system, which can be quite confusing to visitors.

Countryside connectivity

Having an internet connection in the countryside is also a snap with a pocket wifi. Pocket wifi devices are still able to deliver a fast internet connection outside of cities, which is pretty incredible considering there are still cellphone dead zones in Japan. Without a pocket wifi, the only alternative would be to pay huge roaming charges, which can be unsustainable for many travelers.

Pocket wifi is cheaper than roaming

We all know how expensive data roaming can be. For travelers who need to be constantly connected, the final bill for a short trip could easily be hundreds of dollars, and it’s quite unsustainable for long-term travelers. A pocket wifi is a cheaper way to get online that allows you to connect more than one device to the internet. Contrast this with prepaid SIM cards, the other popular solution, which can only be used on one device.

The next time you go to Japan, just get a pocket wifi. Pocket Wifi rental companies like Japan Wifi Buddy can help you get connected as soon as you land in Japan, giving you peace of mind throughout your whole trip.

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Moving House For First Timers

Your family just have another addition and you suddenly realized it is time to leave the starter home your family have enjoyed for some time now. Aside from having kids grow up, you also added new pets to complete the whole picture. There is just no more room for everyone in the house. It is time to move to a bigger place. And your dream of owning a place near that fabulous winery like the one here might just come to a reality. You and your wife have saved enough so that the kids and fur babies can enjoy a bigger place to play and grow up to. So you scouted for a bigger house in a nice neighbourhood and community. You found the one that checks all the boxes you have set, including the special inspection you have asked a plumber friend to see if the pipes are all intact (and you can learn more today about pipes, HVAC, home maintenance, etc). You closed a deal with the realtor and all systems go. Then you realized one thing, how do you start the moving process? This is your first time to move so it is a good idea to have these simple pointers in mind to help you get by with your initial move.

Check out recommended movers in your current area

Scout for reliable and professional movers in your area. You can ask your friends, family, neighbours for any recommendations and start from there. Contact a few, request for their quote and inclusions for the rate and compare with other movers. Select the one that fits your preference and meets your requirements. This website is a good example of a professional mover you have to consider and may want to book for your moving requirement.

Contact the mover and sign a contract.

Start packing

One thing to consider packing is pack per room and label boxes as per room. While sorting through your possessions, remove unwanted items you can donate or sell or give to your family and friends. Aim to bring only the necessary and essentials to your new home. Start fresh.

Leave a carry-all bag for your basic needs until you move

Keep at least one carry-all bag for you and your family containing basic items such as toothbrushes, undergarments, few shirts, gadget chargers, etc. This is for your everyday use until you settle to your new home and opened some of the essential boxes for your family.

Unpack per boxes per room

To keep things organized and not have your things all over the place, unbox your boxes per room so it is easier to set them up and keep them on their proper places once you have unboxed all the remaining movers’ boxes.

And, when you’re all done arranging your stuff, relax and appreciate all the work you put into making your move as efficient as you can. Now, you can visualize yourself being here and sipping the best wine with your partner creating memories.

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