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Feeling slightly under the weather is never good and it always seems to hit on the most inconvenient day. There’s nothing quite as frustrating as falling ill on a weekday when you need to go to work!
For some of us, we have to soldier on regardless of how bad we are feeling. This is often the case for business owners who can’t waste time with a sick day or those of us who are self-employed and can’t afford a day not working.
Not feeling too great but need to head out to the office? Don’t worry; just read on for some great tips that will help you survive at work while feeling under the weather.
Know When You Shouldn’t Go In
Of course, there will be some instances when you shouldn’t go into work no matter how busy you are or how much you need the paycheck. For instance, if you are suffering from an infectious health condition, you should stay at home so that you don’t pass it onto anyone else. If you feel slightly faint and weak, it’s best to stay at home as you might end up passing out and injuring yourself in the office. According to the website of Barros McNamara, you won’t be able to complain for an injury or accident at work that was caused this way, as you would be the one at fault and not your employer. So, if you think that your illness might put you or someone else at work in danger, it’s always necessary to stay at home until you are starting to recover.

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Drink Something Caffeinated
Most of the time, you will feel worse in the morning as soon as you wake up. That’s just because your body will feel groggy until it has woken up properly. One way you can give it a little boost and help it wake up quicker is to drink something caffeinated, such as a strong cup of coffee. It’s also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day as well so that you stay hydrated. When you are ill, your body needs plenty of liquids to stay hydrated so that it can do its best in fighting off the germs that are causing the illness. Not only that, though, but keeping your liquid levels high will help you feel a lot more awake throughout the day too.

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Take The Necessary Medication
There will no doubt be some medication available for you to take, and it will really help you if you do. There’s no point going to your doctor if you have a cold as you can just get some over-the-counter cold and flu medication. Most of the time, this comes as powder in sachets that you can dissolve in warm water and drink. You can take paracetamol or aspirin instead if you prefer. All of these types of medication will help ease the symptoms of a cold. Once you start to feel the symptoms ease up, you will be able to concentrate on your work a lot better and will feel slightly more human again. If you don’t fancy relying on so many medicines, you might want to search for some natural remedies. For instance, drinking hot water with honey and lemon in can help to reduce the symptoms of a cold.
Cancel Appointments Unless They Are Absolutely Necessary
Got a busy day ahead? If you aren’t feeling 100% then it’s worth trying to make it a little less busy if at all possible. You won’t be quite as energetic as you usually would be while you are ill, so it’s worth cancelling all your appointments and meetings that aren’t super urgent. I’m sure that everyone who you have arranged to meet with will understand if you aren’t feeling too well. After all, we’ve all been there before! So, try to clear your diary so that you can try to have an easy day in the office. You can always find the next convenient time and date for your meetings using scheduling apps such as the ones on this list.

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Don’t Complain
We all have little bugbears that really rub us up the wrong way at work. For most of us, coworkers who constantly complain is one of the main ones! Unfortunately, when we are ill, one of the things that we do is complain about it. But before you do start to moan about being ill at work, you should consider how your colleagues will feel about it. You might really start to get on their nerves! So, try and keep your complaining down to a minimum, and that way you might find that you get a lot more sympathy from them.

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Go Outside Whenever Possible
Being stuck in a stuffy office all day isn’t going to do your health any good, even when you are fit and healthy. Now that you are feeling unwell, staying inside will be doing you no favors at all. So, you should try and leave the office for a quick walk as much as possible. All of that fresh air will do you the world of good. It’s also important to go outside for your lunch, even if that means just walking over to the nearest bakery to pick up a sandwich. The walk will wake you up and certainly improve your mood!

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Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Once you are able to leave work, you should think about going home and straight to bed. Your body will need lots of rest so that it can recuperate and get ready for the next day ahead. You should find that it’s easy to get a good night’s rest while you are slightly ill, because your body will need as much deep sleep as it can get. By the time you wake up in the morning, you’ll, hopefully, be fighting fit again and ready to get back to work with a lot more energy!
Surviving at work isn’t too hard – you just need all these tips to get through the day!