Curb Your Spending With These Simple Tips


In this consumerist society, it can be extremely easy to get carried away with your disposable income each month. It can even be easy to get carried away with money which you don’t have. It is incredibly easy to get items on finance nowadays, and banks are all too happy to offer out loans with interest so high it can only be described as extortion. You may have fallen into this trap in the past and be looking at options like consolidate payday loans just to climb back up the credit score ladder and above the red line. Everyone either knows someone that has been ins this position or has been in the same position themselves – and it is extremely common nowadays. Even though we know it’s not worth it, through constant encouragement to spend, and being told we need luxury items – which incidentally we don’t need – we are led to the financial hole that many people don’t realise they’re in until they hit the bottom. Saving and paying debts off is not easy – if it was the banks wouldn’t have so many loan options, and no one would need them due to the extensive amount of money in their bank accounts. Alas, that is not the case, and we are encouraged to spend, spend, spend. Here are a few tips to help you keep on top of your spending and take back control of your finances.


One of the best ways of not spending money is to throw things that you don’t need away. It opens your eyes to how much junk you had in the first place and shows you the extent of how money is wasted by spontaneous purchases. Yes, the sorting hat from Harry Potter World was severely overpriced, yet you said you’d treasure it forever, and now it is collecting dust. It happens to everyone. Your eyes become bigger than your wallet and before you know it you’re travelling home with three full bags of things you really didn’t need. Those three bags have now become bin bags – and it really gives you a new perspective on purchasing – a perspective that will be invaluable to your savings account.You already have enough things you didn’t need – you don’t need more.

Change Your Mindset

When it comes to thinking about your money, how do you measure it? By the amount that is in your bank? The amount of your monthly income that is disposable? The amount you owe to debt companies? Whichever way you think of it, it may be time to take on a new perspective. Whenever you’re out shopping, think of the price of an item as the number of hours you had to work to earn the amount of money. If you had to work all those hours again just for this item, would you still want it at the end of the shift? If the answer is no, then the item is not worth it. If yes, it still doesn’t mean you take it to the counter straight away. You then have to ask yourself if it is something you need or just something you desperately want that is going to collect dust like the previously mentioned Harry Potter souvenir? If it is the latter, you need to put it back on the shelf and walk away. Though out of your comfort zone, you will feel good for doing it. If you are still thinking about it in a few days time, you may be able to justify going back and buying it. But, the chances are that the impulse to buy would have worn out by then, and you will have forgotten all about it. When you are addicted to spending it is not the item that matters, it is the act of paying for something that is so addictive. Controlling that urge is the only thing that is going to help you to start breaking the habit.

Are Sales Actually Bargains?

Sales can be an extreme money grabber for people who like to spend because it is driven into you that you are getting a really good deal. However, at the end of the day, how good is the deal you are getting? You will also save more money by not spending any at all, no matter what the percentage off. Rarely items in sales are things you actually want or need; it is just the excitement of saving a bit of money that people radiate towards. It is important when shopping in a sale to go back to the mindset previously mentioned. The item may have 20% off, but may still cost you two full days at work – is the little bit of money you’re saving really worth it? Probably not.

Hopefully, this has given you some food for thought on how best to go about curbing your urge to spend and helping you to keep your pennies in your wallet, rather than in the hands of the commercial world.

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Feeling Run Down, But What Can You Do?

We all have days, weeks or even months where we feel run down and worse for wear. Perhaps you have been having a difficult time at work, or maybe you are having family issues. Either way, it can take a lot out of you, effecting both your mind and your body. The good news is that there are a variety of ways to improve the situation and we’re talking about both emotionally and physically. Some routes to recovery will boost your body as well as your soul. Perhaps then, it is best to start off by thinking about meditation.

Using Your Mind As A Muscle

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If you have been feeling stressed lately, you should try meditation. Through meditation, you can calm the mind in a very unique way. To start meditating, you don’t need a trainer, you just need to sit down and think about nothing. Or, rather, since this is actually very difficult, think about something. It doesn’t matter what that something is. It could be a bee sitting on a flower. The important thing is that the idea doesn’t grow or expand and instead remains constant in your mind. This isn’t actually as simple as it sounds.

To help, you can think about using music to focus your mind or certain sounds like the noise of the rainforest. CDs and MP3 files like this are easy to come by. When you do meditate, you need to find somewhere quiet where you can be alone. This could be somewhere in your home or if your house is a little bit or a disaster zone, somewhere outside, perhaps in the middle of the forest. It just needs to be a place where you will remain completely undisturbed.

Many people wonder how long you need to meditate for if it is going to be effective. We suggest you spend about an hour or even just half an hour a few times a week meditating. This should be more than enough time to get the impact of this type of calming exercise.

Meditation can be an incredibly powerful tool. Researchers discovered that through meditation, Buddhist monks actually completely restructured their mind. Different pathways were built up in the brain that had never been seen before. However, you probably won’t gain this type of change. So, what benefits could you reap from meditation?

Well, the main advantage would essentially be mindfulness. Through mindfulness, your mind will be clearer, and you will be able to focus on different issues and challenges present in your life. If you have a problem at work or even in your personal life, with meditation, you might find that you know how to cope with it and deal effectively.

Of course, if you want to get the best of both worlds, you may wish to think about yoga. Yoga isn’t quite meditation, but the breathing exercises directly control how much oxygen your brain receives. As well as this, it soothes the body, so it has a double impact on you. Yoga can be learned without assistance. However, you might find it more effective if you do recruit the support of a teacher.

Lavish In A Little Luxury

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Alternatively, you might want to think about retreating to a spa, perhaps for a weekend. There are a variety of spa service options to choose form with everything from massages to beauty techniques and body healing methods on the table. You should perhaps start with a full body massage. You will be amazed how much better you could feel after this type of treatment. Muscles can get very tense and terse. You might have heard of people getting knots in their back. This is because they have become so stressed they are actually struggling to cope and the body is starting to take the toll. By getting a massage from a professional, your body will heal, and you can come away feeling completely refreshed.

Bear in mind that getting a massage isn’t the same as asking your partner to rub your back in bed. Massages are almost a science where you need to hit the right spot in the right way. If you don’t take the right technique, then a massage won’t be all that beneficial. This is why it might be worth paying for a service from an expert.

Of course, a massage isn’t the only treatment that you can get when you head away to a spa. You might also want to think about looking into acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is a Chinese health remedy and one that has become very popular with western culture. A number of celebrities seem to love this method of healing and regularly get treatment. Acupuncture therapy perpetuates the notion that there are energy fields around the body and with the needles, the pressure points can be released and relieved. While the effects of this could be the placebo effect, so many people claim they feel better after the treatment that you might want to try it. If, you’re not afraid of needles.

If you are a little squeamish about pointy objects, you might want to focus on the way you look rather than how you feel. After all, looking like a mess can make you feel the same way. When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror if you like what you see, you’ll have a more positive outlook through the day than if you hate your reflection. As such, it might be worth exploring ways to give your skin back its colour and rejuvenate your complexion.

One of the ways that you can do this is with nutrients and minerals that can be addressed to a facemask. Wearing an organic facemask, your skin will absorb the benefits from the minerals and nutrients, healing the skin. This can be a fantastic way to minimise the impact of wrinkles and other troubling signs of age such as spots. Don’t underestimate how much changing the way you look could impact how you feel. If you feel beautiful, you’ll have the confidence you need to tackle life’s greatest challenges.

Trouble Inside?

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Of course, you might find that you’re feeling run down purely because of your body. It’s not an emotional issue, it’s a totally physical issue that is causing an emotional effect. This could be due to a build-up of residue in your colon. Your colon is used to break down and dispel food from the body but a lot of food residue can build up that is essentially body waste. This waste can cause a number of impacts including an emotional response. It can make you feel sluggish and tired.

This is one of the reasons why a number of medical experts recommend that you get your system cleared out at least once annually. Clearing out your system you should feel better almost immediately. If you do have this issue, a key sign is that you will struggle to lose weight. An issue like this could mean that you are carrying as much as 25 pounds extra in weight. A lot of people think that a colon cleanse is a medical procedure, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a variety of natural cleanses like herbal tea. Using herbal tea, you can quickly and safely clear out this area of your body without any unpleasant issues.

Since we’re talking about the food in the body, it’s worth mentioning that your diet can definitely have an impact on how you feel. Eating food that is unhealthy will almost always have an impact on the way you feel and all of your emotions. It can increase feelings of fatigue and cause you to experience low moods and feel completely lethargic even in the middle of the day. That’s why if you are feeling down in the dumps you may want to look at your diet. Try and add some more fruit and veg and see what kind of impact that has because you might be surprised. More importantly, do your best to stay away from processed foods.

All foods are too an extent processed however it’s the ready meals that are the real issue. These meals are packed with sugar to add flavour, and the levels of sugar often contained tend to play havoc with the body.

Run For Your Life

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Last but not least, you might want to consider heading out for a run if you’re feeling tired and run down. This might seem counterproductive. After all, surely running is going to tire you out even more. But according to research, running can be beneficial for levels of stress and may even have an impact on ageing. As such, it could certainly be worth giving it a shot. The benefit of the running, of course, is that it actually gives every area of your body a workout. This is one of the reasons why, despite the strain, people tend to feel invigorated after a long run.

We hope you find this advice useful and work to build yourself back up when you’re feeling completely out of it and run down.

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5 Ways To Deter Burglars From Your Home

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A burglary can have devastating effects – it can make you feel less safe in your home and possibly result in the loss of costly and sentimental items, some of which can never be replaced. Burglars like to pick their targets strategically. There are various ways that you make your home less attractive to thieves. Here are just five strategies for keeping the burglars away.

Lock all entry points

The simplest way you can protect your property is by locking all windows and doors. A window or a door that has been left open whilst you’re not in is an obvious invitation for thieves to come in. That said, even windows and doors that are closed can be easily broken into if also unlocked – a thief may be able to slide or wedge them open. Most modern doors and windows come with inside locks. Make sure to use these locks every time you leave the house. You should make sure that the hinges and frame are also in good condition as some burglars may be able to exploit this weakness to get in. Sites like have a good range of secure doors and windows to choose from.

Draw the curtains

Many burglars like to go window shopping. Be wary of any rooms that can be peered into by passers-by – you should draw the curtains at night to stop anyone looking in. Net curtains can be put up permanently to distort the view from outside, whilst letting in light and air. Make sure that no valuables are on the windowsill as these could advertise your property to thieves. Outside obstructions like hedges and walls shouldn’t be relied on for as a deterrent as these may actually have the opposite effect – such outside obstructions make it easy for a burglar to break in without being noticed by other passers-by.

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Install security gadgets

Security gadgets can be useful for keeping away intruders. Burglar alarms are the most effective way to drive away thieves. A thief may succeed at breaking in, but it won’t be long before they’re running out when the alarm shrieking at them and alerting everyone on the road. Sites like compare some of the best burglar alarms around and could be useful for making the best purchase for you. Other gadgets to consider include motion sensing lighting and CCTV. Motion sensing lighting operates in the dark whenever motion is detected – it will light up any burglars and is certain to be more economical than having a permanent light glaring all night long. CCTV meanwhile can help to record any criminals in the act. You can buy a motion sensing camera light that combines both functions.

Use dummy deterrents

It’s possible to foil burglars with dummy deterrents that make them think a property is harder to break into than it actually is. In most cases, the sight of a security camera is enough to put off burglars – installing a dummy camera to the front of your home could be more affordable and just as effective as a working camera. You can also warn people away with false signs. Hanging up a ‘beware of the dog’ sign might put off several burglars – it can be an effective strategy even if you don’t own dogs. There are also dummy deterrents to consider for when you’re not at home. Some people may choose to leave the TV on whilst on a night out, or leave some lights on. This may waste energy, but it could convince thieves that there’s someone in and prevent a burglary.

Watch what you put on social media

Lots of people post content on social media without thinking about who can see it. You should make sure that your Facebook profile is private and can only be viewed by friends. That said, it may still pose a risk. There may be a forgotten friend of yours on Facebook who is able to relay information they see on your wall to a burglar. You should be careful of photographs of your home’s interior and information of your address for this reason. Shouting about a holiday on Facebook might also tell people that your home is empty – consider posting those holiday snaps once you’ve got back instead.

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Weird Things That Can Impact Whether You Win A Client

As a freelancer, you will live and die based on whether or not you can win new clients. You might think this is just a matter of showing a brilliant portfolio of previous work while also making sure that previous clients sing your praises, typically by delivering an excellent level of service. But actually, there are certain things that can impact whether or not you win a potential client. These factors can come into play whether you are communicating by email, on the phone or in person. Let’s look at a few and make sure you are not losing the interest of a potential client due to a weird mistake.

Exerting The Right Pressure

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The handshake is synonymous with making a business deal or forming a new partnership. But it’s also the way you greet a potential new client, and it does matter. Your handshake has to exert the right amount of pressure because people can tell a lot about someone by the way they shake hands. Or at least, they think they can, and that’s what matters. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, their perception will change based on how you hold their hand. You need to apply marginal pressure as this shows confidence and don’t hold for too long because this is a key sign you lack people skills. When you are shaking their hand, do keep eye contact as this demonstrates authority.

Smile Like You Mean It

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You do need to make sure that you aren’t too serious through a meeting with a potential new client. Remember, they need to feel completely comfortable and relaxed. At the end of the meeting, you need them to go away knowing without a doubt that you are the right person to handle their project. So smile, tell a joke and make them feel at ease before breaking into the plan for the project that they are offering you.

Keeping Up Appearances

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Appearances do matter, and they can even be a distraction. You might have chipped your tooth. This can suggest that you can’t afford to have it fixed or that you don’t care about little details. Use an emergency dentist to get an issue like this fixed before the meeting to avoid this negative perception. It’s just one example of how appearance matters.

The Right Return Time

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If you’re being contacted by a potential client online, you need to think about the amount of time you take to return the email or phone call. You might leave it for a while, thinking this shows that you are busy with lots of clients. It could also show that you are overstretched and don’t have the resources needed. As such, you should leave it a day and perhaps even set up an automated email response alerting the client you will be in touch within 24 hours. This shows a great level of professionalism and also gives the air of a successful business.

We hope you take these details into consideration the next time you’re trying to grab valuable new client. If you do, we’re sure the endeavor will be a great success.

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Life In The Slow Lane: Exercise Routines That Don’t Have To Hurt

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When we picture a New Year’s exercise kick, most of us have been conditioned to think that ‘go hard or go home’ is the only way. Endless streams of chiselled fitness Insta-models and blogging gurus champion high-intensity interval training and gruelling diet regimes as the only way we can genuinely get fit. But for some of us, that just isn’t an option. For many reasons, some people want to find a way to get fit that is more gentle. We could be looking to ease back into fitness after an operation, having a baby or a period of ill health, we could be looking to exercise alongside an elderly relative, or we could simply find the gym an off-putting place. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to get fit while living life in the slow lane.

Tai Chi

Promoting gentle, fluid movements that calm the mind and slowly strengthen the body, Tai Chi can be intensely beneficial and relaxing to those who practise it regularly. It has great benefits for improving musculoskeletal flexibility as well, and classes are often held outdoors, giving you a mood-boost at the same time. You can get started by joining a class or at home – whatever you prefer!


The simplest way to start, if you can’t face anything else, up the amount you walk. Walking has a comprehensive set of mental and physical health benefits, from increasing memory capacity and enhancing our cognitive skills to helping us sleep better at night, improving our poster and helping us to develop positive relationships. Best of all, it’s so easy to get started. Just make sure that you have the right walking shoes or consider extra supportive insoles, like those available at


If you fancy building up strength and muscle, but the weights section at the gym has you running scared then consider signing up for a TRX class. Using a complex system of suspension straps, you use your own body weight to strengthen and create resistance, but without so much stress on your joints. So if you have a knee injury or something that normally excludes you from resistance training, it could be the perfect fit.

Step Aerobics

Aerobics might conjure up mental images of fast and furious Lycra clad workouts, but step classes are a modern and less stressful way to get the benefits. Giving a full cardio workout without all the pounding and slamming, these classes use more controlled movements in blocks of repetition to sculpt the body. Research has found that an hour of step aerobics gives the same calorie burn as a mid-distance run.


Pilates is one of the best ways to complete a challenging workout that will really strengthen your core without the pace that puts some people off. Accessible anywhere thanks to all the Pilates workouts on YouTube, all you need is a foam mat or a towel and you can practice anyway. So there is a way to get those killer abs and ultimate flexibility without putting too much strain on your joints!

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Discussion interrupted.

One of the reasons why I secured an SSL certificate is to make sure that this blog will remain clean and secure for all its visitors. If you’ve read my post on being back to blogging after a few days of being offline, you’d know that this site was hacked and tagged as dangerous by Google. Which is a bad thing to happen to a site.

I managed to make it clean and I intend to make this site stay clean!

I closed the comment section of this blog. The reason? Antispam Bee is notifying me left and right about CSS hacks the plugin has been blocking ever since I put back this blog up. Instead of giving the hackers and bad bots any reason to infiltrate my blog again, I decided to close the comment section of this blog for the meantime. I don’t want to find myself in the same position as when my blog was tagged as carrying malicious apps.

If you want to reach me, you may do so via email at sashashing @


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Beyond the comfort zone.


If there is one thing predictable about me, it’s the fact that I love my comfort zone. I stay in it. I normally don’t go beyond it. I am that boring, I am honest enough to admit.

But this year, I am all about self-care and going outside my comfort zone. I might just stay outside of it a few steps beyond it but for me, that’s already a bold move. This year, I will be turning 40. The big 4-0! So, I feel that this year should be about me.

Three goals that I must accomplish this year:

  • Learn a new language.

    I remember my cousin and I talked about his desire to learn a new language and how he’s put it as one of his goals every single year. This 2018, though, he’s taken the step to reach that goal of his. He’s now officially enrolled as a French language student. I, too, would love to learn French but there’s Spanish, Nihongo, Mandarin, Italian, and German. There are so many beautiful languages I would love to be fluent at.

    I’d start with Nihongo, maybe?
  • Tidy up the house and make it zen-like.

    I love a clean and organized house. If you belong to a large family and you all live in the same house, you would know and can definitely relate to the struggles of organization. There is always something to pick up on the floor, something you’d bump onto, something misplaced. This is the year that I plan to re-organize our home, make clutter disappear as much as possible, beat the heat indoors, and make our living space quieter, more peaceful.
  • Go on an adventure.

    When I was in my 20’s, I told friends that I wanted to go bungee jumping and white water rafting. I was always on a budget so money that I set aside for an adventure would automatically become a savings fund for family expenses. The desire to go on an adventure faded as I get older.

    But now that I am turning 40 soon, I thought, why not now? I’ve always been too cautious and safe that when you dissect my life, you’d realize how boring it is. I am not going to go a daring, risky adventure. I am thinking that instead of bungee jumping and white water rafting, I’d go hiking. It’s also an activity I’d always wanted to do but had no time for. I’d make time for it this year. I will start with hiking and we’ll see what other adventure I’d get myself into.

My three goals for this year may not be too much for others but it’s realistic for me, doable.

What are your goals for this year?

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