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In the quest to become the perfect parent, many moms take on huge amounts of responsibility. But, eventually, it catches up with you. All that work around the house can often become too much, particularly if you have more than one child.
In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons why it makes sense to ask for more help around the house. Nobody is saying that you have to delegate entirely, but just getting a little help here and there can go a long way.
You’re At Risk Of Burnout
If the household chores are solely your responsibility, you’re putting yourself at dire risk of burnout. Constantly working during the day, and then at evenings and weekends, doesn’t give you any space to just relax, unwind, and forget about life’s troubles. You’re always on the go, moving from one room to the next, fighting a never-ending battle.
Getting some help, though, can provide you with the equivalent of one evening off per week, if not more. Having other people shoulder the burden gives you time to recharge.
You Feel Frustrated
Managing a household isn’t just physically demanding, it’s also emotionally burdening as well, particularly if other family members aren’t pulling their weight. It only seems fair that each person should share the work equally, but that rarely happens. Instead, you seem to be the one who is always cleaning and tidying up, which inevitably leads to frustration.
Again, asking for help can prevent this. Once your spouse and children are doing their bit, you have less reason to feel angry with them.
You Can’t Solve Some Problems
No matter how much cleaning and tidying you do around the house, there are sometimes problems that you just can’t solve. Take storage, for instance. If you have too much clutter in your home, no amount of “putting away time” is going to fix it.
Similarly, if you have mold in your bathroom, scrubbing won’t usually solve the problem. Without using mold mitigation services to investigate the root cause of the issue, you’re battling away in vain.
Asking for help isn’t capitulation. Instead, it’s an admission that some problems are just intractable and that you need help. Once you get the assistance you need, you often find that many household tasks get easier, or simply disappear altogether.
You Want More “Me” Time
A scarcity of “me” time can really hurt your happiness. If you’re constantly serving others and never taking time for yourself, you can feel trapped in your own home. You’re not living the life you want at all.
The good news is that asking for help is a way of grabbing more time for yourself. If somebody else is cleaning the bathroom because you’ve been doing it all month, you can finally put your feet up, do some exercise, or indulge in a hobby.
Just remember, it’s okay to ask for help around the house. The job of a mom is to raise healthy children, not operate a hotel service. Getting other family members to contribute helps you, and also helps them as well.