We’re finding out now how important it is to have great hospital care, now that so many people are being attacked by this novel virus. We have to consider what kind of challenges doctors and nurses are under when they treat us during normal stress status. We hope that they have had enough time to sleep and come to work refreshed. We hope that they are arriving to work without any personal issues getting in the way of their healthcare providing for you. We don’t just want them to be in good mental and physical shape for their sake, but for our sake. Hospitals aren’t always as safe as they could be and unfortunately, sometimes you can receive poor care. Yet this is the one place where this simply cannot afford to happen. So what can you do?
Essential Considerations For Employers: How To Keep Your Staff Safe
Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or you run an established business, it is critical to look after your employees. As an employer, health and safety should always be a priority. If you have a team of people working for you, here are some steps you can take to keep your staff safe.

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Understanding legal requirements and regulations
Running a business isn’t just about generating profits and providing an excellent service for your customers. You also have to be aware of the legalities involved in company ownership and ensure you comply with rules and regulations. One essential consideration is workplace safety. If you are the boss, you are responsible for making sure that your staff members are safe. Depending on the type of business you run, and the occupational hazards and risks involved, you may need to cross boxes such as supplying PPE (personal protective equipment) and ensuring employees have the relevant training to operate machinery. It’s crucial to understand that if you flout the rules, or you display negligence, your employees have the right to seek legal advice for work-related accidents and injuries from a law firm like Bey & Associates. You can lower the risk of injuries by carrying out regular risk assessments, reporting accidents and ensuring employees have access to the equipment and guidance they need to work safely.
Providing training
Training is incredibly beneficial for employees, as it provides opportunities to learn new skills and develop a broader knowledge base. In many practical roles, for example, construction, training also plays a vital role in promoting safety. Employees can learn how to use equipment and operate machinery to lower the risk of accidents. Training courses, for example, lifting and handling, are also important for those working in healthcare. Match the type of training you offer your employees with the roles they undertake, and ensure you’re up to date with requirements stipulated by local and national bodies. In some cases, individuals will need to have a minimum level of training to undertake certain jobs and tasks.
Detecting and addressing hazards
Prevention is always better than cure. While it’s not possible to avoid every single accident in the workplace, there are steps you can take to try and eliminate injuries. Try and identify risk factors, and address problems as soon as they are detected. Slips and falls are among the most common types of work-related accidents. You can minimize the risk by checking the condition of flooring, keeping pathways and stairwells clear of obstructions and ensuring workspaces are well-lit. It’s also a good idea to use warning signs to make people aware of hazards, for example, hidden steps or wet floors.
As an employer, it is essential to ensure that you do everything you can to keep your staff safe. Make sure you are aware of laws and health and safety regulations related to your workplace, take steps to prevent accidents and provide access to the relevant training and protective equipment. Report accidents, take note of potential hazards and be proactive in introducing measures and policies to minimize risks.
3 Examples of What Self-Care May Look like at Home

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If you feel chronically stressed as a rule, and worn down, worried, and irritated by the various obstacles presented by everyday life – one of the best things you can do is to take an active interest in “self-care” as a remedy to that.
Under normal circumstances, there are all sorts of things that people will tend to do in the name of self-care – including, perhaps, booking a medical cosmetic appointment with a company such as Med Spa.
As of this writing, however, much of the world is still under quarantine due to the COVID-19 Pandemic – which means that “self-care” is something that essentially has to take place primarily at home.
Here are a few suggestions on what self-care may look like at home.
Getting enough sleep
Sleep seems like a passive and potentially even aimless use of time – which is, no doubt, a big part of the reason why so many people these days are apparently chronically sleep deprived, ranging from entrepreneurs who work late into the night, to people who simply want to catch up on their Netflix viewing after work.
When push comes to shove, though, sleep is actually one of the most crucially important things you could possibly do for your own general well-being and physical and mental health.
In his book, “Why We Sleep“, the sleep scientist Matthew Walker looks at the consequences of not getting enough rest – and those consequences are severe. Even just getting an hour or so less sleep than you need each night to really feel rested, can result in your blood sugar regulation being so badly affected that you’d be classed as prediabetic following a blood test. Sleep deprivation will also cause you to age prematurely, feel dramatically more stressed, and be far more susceptible to all sorts of terrible diseases.
Getting more sleep really is potentially the best self-care tip you could ever take to heart.
Finding opportunities every day to do things that help you to feel in touch with a higher purpose
If your everyday life is just a series of chores and routines that you don’t find particularly meaningful, you are likely to feel unfulfilled, and to have the nervous sneaking suspicion that you are wasting your potential somehow.
One of the best things you can do for your overall sense of well-being, and your quality of life as a whole, is to find opportunities every day to do things that help you to feel in touch with a higher purpose – however you construe that.
These activities don’t have to be large and dramatic – especially not at first. Consider looking into the field of “Positive Psychology” for tips on where to start.
Taking some time each day for a bit of laughter and conversation
Finding regular opportunities for conversation – that is, conversation that involves actually speaking to people with your own voice, rather than texting them – has been shown to have a tremendously positive effect in terms of reducing stress levels, and promoting a general sense of well-being.
In fact, there’s even evidence that regular social interaction is one of the key human requirements for health and well-being – even for the most introverted of people.
A bit of laughter, too, can work wonders in terms of melting away stress and helping you to step into a more carefree mode of living.
Find moments each day for a bit of laughter and conversation – even if that means just calling up a friend or relative for a few minutes of phone conversation, and watching a funny movie or show.
4 Software Applications To Keep Your Business Safe Online

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Why is cybersecurity important?
Modern businesses rely heavily on the internet, whether it’s for project management, communications or customer service. Many operations run their businesses entirely online, it’s become essential lately due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. There are many benefits to running your business online, yet there are also risks. When you operate online you are at risk of a data breach. We can define a data breach as an incident where confidential or sensitive data is accessed or taken, without the permission of your company.
Perhaps you’ve often wondered why is cyber security important? It’s because a data breach can be both expensive and damaging to your branding and reputation. Data breaches have left many businesses in legal trouble. Many believe that their small online business won’t be targeted. Yet according to Hashed Out, ‘Small businesses are a favorite target of cyber criminals — cyber attacks were up 424% in 2018.’ Luckily, there are many software applications you can use for protection.
1. Flowmon
Flowmon is a network monitoring and security platform. The software relies on IP flow tracking to offer users full network visibility. This basically means that Flowmon discovers any security threats early, and stops them before these threats get a chance to do any damage! The software uses IDS, firewalls and antiviruses to combat cybersecurity threats. Flowmon uses network probes in real-time, which offers you high quality around the clock protection.
2. ThreatAdvice
Threat Advice is a cyber education tool which helps businesses to understand how they are vulnerable online and offers a solution. Some of the great features of Threat Advice include threat intelligence gathering, threat awareness and AI Machine learning. Using Threat Advice your business can determine the risks of attacks and respond accordingly. The app offers emergency response and has a cyber hotline that’s open 24/7.
3. TokenEx
TokenEx can help your business to look after it’s sensitive and confidential data. The software can reduce the damage of a security breach should the worse occur. TokenEx makes sure that hackers cannot break into your system, steal tokens, and consequently- make off with your data! Other features of the software include encryption, integrations and file transfer. With Token Ex you’ll get top protection against a data breach, so you can rest easy.
4. Barkly
Barkly offers businesses a straightforward management system, reliable protection and smart tech. The system works to block attacks and keep your network safe and sound. Some of the great features include endpoint management, AI and Machine learning, and behavioural analytics. With Barkly you can rest assured that your data is safe and get on with what you do best!
Besides adopting cybersecurity software it can be beneficial to use a password manager system. Use multi-factor authentication to ensure that no unauthorised users can access your network. This is especially important when employees are accessing your network on the go from various devices. With the right security solutions in place it’s far easier to expand your business online.
5 Amazing Apps You Need In Your Life

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Technology has given us so many new and exciting things to take advantage of. Needless to say, when used correctly, it has definitely changed our lives. Mobile technology is perhaps the most critical in this aspect. We’re now in a position where we have mini-computers in our pockets whenever we need them. Cell phone technology is mind-boggling, but you might be surprised by what I deem the most brilliant thing about modern phones.
That’s right, the title gives it away, I’m talking about apps. Apps are so incredible as they provide you with everything you need in the palm of your hand. There’s an app for just about everything and anything. So, on that note, here are some fantastic apps that you need in your life right now:
There are lots of great streaming apps out there – some would say too many. You’ve got Hulu, Amazon, Disney Plus, etc. Still, I think Netflix offers the best blend of TV and movies across them all. It has a diverse roster of shows or films for every taste. There are new ones every month, and more classic options are being added as well. It’s always good to get recommendations from your friends for things to watch on Netflix as you discover hidden gems all the time. With a streaming app, you’re armed with entertainment in your pocket wherever you go. Plus, Netflix lets you download some shows and films while you’re at home, so you can steam them without using up mobile data!
Flo is an absolute life-changer for any woman on her period. Essentially, this app lets you track your period and tells you when it’s due. All you have to do is put in when your period last started, and it will figure things out with strange accuracy. The beauty of Flo is that it helps you prepare for your period and also lets you see when you’re ovulating. Thus, it turns into a fantastic app for people who are trying to have a baby. If you successfully conceive, then you can carry on using the app to track your pregnancy and keep tabs on how your baby is growing. Honestly, it’s the definition of an app you can’t live without.
This is one of those apps that’s risen in popularity thanks to the COVID-19 lockdown measures. In essence, it’s a group video calling app where loads of people can get together to have some fun. The difference between Houseparty and other apps is that it comes with a host of party games built-in. So, you and your friends can all have fun playing games as though you’re at a real house party. It’s excellent to use during these times of social distancing, but equally excellent at any other time. If you and your friends are all bored with nothing to do, then fire up the app and have some fun. Also, it’s amazing if you have family that live far away – this app keeps you connected!
I’m aware there are other language apps available, but Duolingo seems to be the best for beginners. Learning a new language is loads of fun, but it’s often hard to get started. With Duolingo, the lessons are so easy to follow and highly addictive. I like how it gives you a daily streak, and you lose it if you don’t go through at least one lesson a day. This keeps you motivated, as do the endless notifications it sends you to make sure you practice. After using the app for a few months, you’ll see a vast improvement in your base knowledge and vocabulary. Is it the best app if you want to be fluent? Probably not, but it’s an app you need if you’re looking to brush up on some old school knowledge or want to pick up a few key phrases for your next trip.
PS Express
Lastly, you need a good photo editing app, and PS Express is the best of all. This is like a condenses version of Adobe Photoshop for your phone. It’s free to use, there are no intruding adverts, and you can play around with so many editing features. If you want an app that will enhance your phone’s camera, then this is my recommendations. As a bonus, it lets you crop the pictures into the ideal size for social media posts or profile pictures, which is a nice touch.
If you’re looking for some app inspiration, then try these out for size. They’re helpful pretty much every day, and you can get them on both Android and Apple devices.
Safety First When It Comes to Kids

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Safety first. When it comes to kids, those two words are a must to keep in mind. Kids are prone to accidents what with their fragile limbs and how they just love to explore. There are a lot of expectant couples right now. If you are thinking of something to get them, here are three kid stuff which will keep kids safe.
A Car Seat
Expectant parents are setting aside car seats because they think babies will not need it right away. They are right, in a way, but it is a very essential item that parents need to invest on.
A friend who is in her second trimester of pregnancy had a baby shower recently. She wanted baby stuff which her baby can use as soon as she delivers. One guest, an in-law, thought practically. She told her that a chicco gofit plus backless booster seat will be a great gift to receive. It will save them from buying one in the future, and also, it will keep their baby safe at the back of the car when they are out. Plus, you can always count on the quality of the Chicco brand.
A baby carrier can only last so long. A car seat, though, can be used for quite a number of years especially if it is quality made.
An Air Purifier and Humidifier
With so many kinds of bacteria and virus in the air, an air purifier and humidifier has become a must in the nursery. We could not see what is in the air but we can prevent it from staying inside the room for long. Purify the air inside the nursery, get the humidifier working, and give your baby a secure and clean room to stay at.
I have seen three kinds of air purifier and humidifier at KidslandUSA. Invest in a good one.
Baby Proofing Stuff
A lock strap for the doors, refrigerators, cabinets. Toilet lock. An anti-tip furniture strap. And so much more. These are items that you normally take for granted but when an accident happens, it comes to mind. Better safe than sorry, folks. Get your home baby-proofed! You will not regret getting it done even when the baby can’t crawl or walk yet.
Safety first when it comes to the kids. It will keep them out of harm and it will also give you peace of mind.
Spreading Love and Joy Amidst the Lockdown
Days are blending from one to another. It’s becoming a bit difficult nowadays to keep track of what day it is and how everyone is doing. We all feel disconnected and disjointed, and it is completely understandable. This lockdown brought about by the novel corona virus is hard on all of us. So, to cheer up your love ones who are in isolation or far away from you, here are three suggestions that you can follow and so with your kids.
Video call with a twist
Get the whole family on board the idea of putting on costumes. Any favorite character is welcome. Just make sure that it is not something scary so as not to cause anxiety to the person or persons you will be video calling.
Imagine getting a video call from Çaptain Jack Sparrow, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, or even from a Disney princess! It will be a treat, that’s for sure. Wear your costume, go into position in front of the camera, make sure you have a decent internet connection, and then, make your call.
A video call will bring a big smile to your love ones’ faces. It will also be a sure fire way for you to know that the person on the other line is well and alive.
Arts and crafts to send online

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This suggestion will be like killing two birds with one stone. It is understandable how bored everyone is right now, most especially the kids who are ordered to stay put at home. Cabin fever is setting in so to divert their attention, get them on board for an arts and crafts day!
The idea is to create something inspiring for those isolated from their love ones. Maybe, you have a relative who are alone somewhere and in need of some cheering up. Bring out pens, papers, scissors, glue, glitters, washi tapes, and anything else that will bring color to your message. You can also download a digital love svg you can print, cut and put on paper.

My nephews have been missing their grandparents who are under a quarantine. The simple message above will be sent to their grandparents through email. We used a digital heart svg and hugs and kisses design that we downloaded from Design Bundles. There are so many more designs to choose from.
Creating art will keep the kids busy for some time and it will also be a great way to keep the spirits of your love ones up when they see what the kids made for them.
Create a video blog
It seems to be the biggest hit among people of all ages these days. Video blogging! Create a video and then upload it online for everyone to watch and enjoy.
One or a few members of the family can be on board this idea. Create a video content for the frontliners. Thank the medical workers, delivery personnel, garbage collectors, supermarket personnel, and everyone who are still outside and working for us to be able to function in the most normal way possible. A simple message will do. Or even a simple thank you and clapping will be bring a smile to those who will see the video.
There are so many other ways to spread love and joy amidst this lockdown. The three suggestions above are just the tip of the iceberg. You can surely come up with a dozen or so more ways to spread cheer in these trying times.
What’s important is for all of us to stay at home, stay healthy, and stay put so the virus will die a natural death very, very soon.